Friday, February 12, 2010

Weekly Email....

Hey everyone!

A few new things have happened to Elder Englund and I. The other two elders, E. Johnson and E. Remington (he's from Rexburg) are moving out of the apartment and into a member's home. So E. Englund and I are going to have the apartment to ourselves. It'll be weird.. but kinda nice to.

We have two new investigators. One's name is Trent Hill.. he is 25 years old and his wife is a member and actually is the Young Women's President. He is on the S.W.A.T. force. He's a nice guy... his wife wanted us to stop by and just try to become friends with him and maybe eventually he'll gain a testimony. We went the other night and got to know him and just had a spiritual thought. We then asked if he would be interested to find out some of what his wife believes in. He said that he would... so we're hoping something will come of it..

The other new one is a man named Tracy Hamilton. He's about 33 years old and did spend some time in prison. We're not sure for what exactly yet... we're thinking drugs and breaking and entering, only because of what he's told us... not much.
He's a good guy... and last night we had a really good lesson with him about the Restoration. One reason I think it was good is because this is the first time we saw him when, we think, he wasn't high. One our first visit a lighter fell out of his pocket and he tried to hide it but when he saw that we had noticed he asked "Why do you always show up when there are narcotics around?"... Some others elders found him and referred him to us. But it was good... he seemed very receptive and said that if he found for himself that the book of Mormon was true that he more than likely would join the church. He even said the closing prayer during one lesson... He's a good guy... strange... especailly when he's high.

But that's about all that's new here... still teaching several different people, but not much new.
Oh except for my first "Missionary Haircut" in the field... So I hadn't had my haircut since the day before I left the MTC and it was getting pretty long... almost too long for a missionary. So we scheduled an appointment with a member in our ward... when we should up for that appointment he wasn't there...
So that night in the apartment I stood in the bathtub and used Elder Englund's clippers and buzzed my head. ITS SO SHORT... I haven't had it this short in a LONG time.
But that's not the funny part. We thought it would look better if the sides were a little shorter than the top so we tried the next size down on the clippers... and tried it... it didn't do anything ( or so it seemed). So we thought "hey, lets go down one more size." (BAD idea)
We did about two swipes on the right side of my head... and it was a LOT shorter than the other. So we went back up to the middle size and did the sides and back of my head... But the way I see it ... it'll grow back in about a week or two and I've got to have at least ONE bad hair cut on my mission.. and this was it. I'll send pictures when I figure out how to attach them to the emails...
That's my cool story for the week.

I read a good quote the other day and it really gave me an amazing perspective on life it reads:
We are not human beings having a spiritual experience.
We are spiritual beings having a human experience.

I love that quote. Its very good and very true.

Tell everyone I say hi and that I love them and miss them.

Love you
Your son,
Elder Cameron Landon

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