Well things have been going pretty good. I hope you all had a happy Halloween!
We had to go in after our dinner appointment last night.. so we did and we carved pumpkins! I LOVE carving pumpkins.. I carved two and Elder Curry carved two and Elder Cook carved one.
The first two pictures are Elder Curry's, and third pic. is Elder Cook's and the last two pumpkins are the ones that I carved.. I thought we all did really good. I was really impressed with how well I did.. I had a lot of fun.
We had a good week last week. The ward had a Halloween potluck/trunk or treat party this past Saturday night. It was a good time.
The whole world was dressed up and they all had different costumes. It was fun.. We couldn't really dress up but we did something anyways.. we didn't dress up but what we did was fun still..
It was funny how I thought of what to do. I was saying my prayer that morning and was going through our plans for the day and whatnot.. and then I just had it come to me.
So we took wire hangers and put them in our ties and bent them in fun shapes.. the kids in the ward thought that it was pretty fun..
Elder Cook, was embarrassed so he put his jacket on as soon as he could.. but his tie was tied in the shape of bow tie. It was neat.
Then this past Sunday the ward had the 5th Sunday lesson. And it was Brother Palmer's (he is our Ward Mission Leader) idea to teach the ward members how to invite their friends. To invite them to meetings, activities, and to learn about the church. And so he taught some of it and then he asked if I would teach the other half. So I did.
I was a little nervous because I had never taught that many people all at once before. The WHOLE ward was there, except for those in the primary. They had the young men and the young women in there as well. So I taught about 100 or more adults and youth how to invite their friends to events.
I got several good comments back and said it went well.. but I thought I could have done better.
So... sad day was on Sunday as well.. it was my LAST fast and testimony meeting as Elder Landon. I knew I had to do it. It was a very realistic feeling.. sad feeling too. I don't want it to end. I'm going to miss these people so much. I'm going to miss teaching people about the Restored Gospel. I can't even imagine what its going to be like... I don't want to come home.
We did have a really good lesson with Ken again.. we fasted with him on Sunday so he can have the opportunity to come to church more regularly. He said that he was preparing to fast but then he said he was going to "take it a step further" and fast for the day that he needed to be baptized on. I was very excited to hear that.
So I am hoping and praying that I'll see him get baptized before I come home. He's such a great guy.
Well.. I love you all very much and can't believe its so soon to coming to a close.. I don't want to believe it but ... its coming nonetheless.
I miss you and can't wait to see you.
Your son and brother,
-Elder Cameron Landon
Dear Family,
So I think we adjusted to having a third wheel fairly quickly. Elder Curry is a great missionary. He's from Mesa, AZ and he's a good worker, which is nice because I know it'll help me stay focused to the end.
Speaking of interviews I am getting recommend renewed because it expires at the end of this month. It'll be nice to have a current one. ;)
We had a GREAT day yesterday! We taught 6 lessons and found two new investigators! Because there are three of us Elder Cook and Elder Curry went to visit some people and Paul (Our Assistant Ward Mission Leader and I went and saw several other people. It was a great day and I am very excited for the new investigators we found.. I feel very strong that they'll be baptized before the end of this transfer.
It amazes me that the Lord sees fit to trust me to help Him in His work!
I'm sorry this email was pretty short but we've got to get back to work.
I love you all and can't wait to hear from you soon!
Thanks for everything!
Your son and brother,
-Elder Cameron Landon
Oct. 18
Dear Family,
So transfers are today. We are emailing really quick to get to Grand Junction by noon.
So sorry but this will be quick and short.
Elder Cook and I are both staying and we are getting a third companion!
That's not a very common occurrence, but I think it will help Elder Cook out once I leave. Our new companion is named Elder Curry, and he's from Phoenix, AZ. That's about all I know about him. He's currently driving with the "Transfer Train" over the mountains to Grand Junction where we'll meet him. From what I've heard he has only been out for two transfers.. so 12 weeks.
Now when a missionary is with his trainer he is being trained, when he gets his second companion or is in his third transfer, he is "follow up trained" not that we are training him but still making sure he is catching on to being a missionary and used to the ropes.
so my last six weeks will be spent training Elder Cook and follow-up training Elder Curry. I guess.. the Lord thinks I can do that.
But I know that President Maynes and the Lord wouldn't have Elder Curry both be taking over the area and follow up training Elder Cook when I leave if Elder Curry weren't an exceptional missionary.
So I am looking forward to meeting him and working hard my last few weeks.
We had a Missionary Fireside this past Friday night where we had a showing of the film The Testaments. We advertised it in several of the local papers (we called it an Open House). And we told all of the members to invite friends and neighbors. There, sadly wasn't as many people there as we would have liked but there were a good amount of non-members in ratio to the amount of people there.
The Young Women's President of the ward brought a 15 year old girl. And she really enjoyed herself. Outside of the chapel that night we set up a table with extra copies of the dvd and a stack of Copies of the Book of Mormon. And as they were leaving she took a Book of Mormon and said she was going to read it.
And then Sunday morning rolls around and she showed up with Sister Gilmore (the YW Pres.) She told us that Katie (the girl) called that morning for the church time and for a ride. So we will be hopefully starting to teach her this week.
We had a chance to do a lot of service last week.. we helped tear a roof off of an addition built on to a trailer home.. and I fell off the roof once and then almost did a second time.. well not necessarily off but through. It was a poorly made roof and it was dry rotted.. but I am fine. I only have a few VERY SMALL scrapes (so don't worry) it could have been a lot worse.. because the one time I did fall I came INCHES from falling on to a big old wood stove... but I am fine so don't worry.
And tomorrow we are helping the Bishop and our Assistant Ward Mission Leader put up sheet rock in an Habitat for Humanity house. I am excited to do that.. It'll be fun.
So I did get my birthday package thank you very much.
But I haven't gotten the Missionary Mall package with that new suit just yet. So we'll see when it comes. I don't know when it'll show up. But I'm not too worried about it.
Well I am sorry but I can't think of anything else to say. I love you all and can't wait to see you.
Please take care!
Love YOU!
-Elder Cameron Landon
Oct. 11
Dear Family,
One "present" I got was the opportunity to speak in sacrament meeting for my birthday. Elder Cook and I were asked to speak. Elder Cook on Doctrine and Covenants Section 4 and myself on "Called to Serve". I enjoy speaking and teaching.. I love talking about the gospel. But I was a little ... not upset .. just surprised when the Bishop was making the announcements before the opening hymn...and his last announcement was "And today is Elder Landon's Birthday." I was surprised and everyone saw the look on my face and I could hear several laughs come from the ward.. I wasn't expecting that to happen.. because not many people knew it was my birthday.
I also wanted to share an experience we had this past week.
We have an investigator named Ken Kline. He has been taught by the missionaries for almost two years. I know that the only reason why he hasn't been baptized is because of his work schedule. He works every Sunday at the Montrose airport. He has been able to attend in the past on an occasion, but not regularly.
Every time we have a lesson with him it is always a spiritual experience. And several lessons ago we introduced and talked more about the principle of fasting, with the intention of fasting with him that the windows of heaven would be opened to allow him to attend church.
This last lesson we had with him we were answering his question from his reading in Alma. And finally at the end he saw that we would shortly have to leave.. and he put down his Book of Mormon and said, "Well, I've decided that I just need to be serious about this and get going with it. What do I need to do to get baptized?"
So we were very excited.. and we started explaining to him the things that need to happen before that takes place. He's been taught all the lessons, so just a going over of those to make sure he understands them, he needs to come to church a few more times, and then I reached into my planner and ripped out at the beginning the baptismal interview questions and handed them to him. Explaining that those are the questions that he would need to know and to have a conviction and testimony of. I also told him to pray about them.
As I handed the paper to him and explained about the interview questions he started to get very emotional and to cry. He then proceeded to tell us that he was praying the night before about if this really was the path that he needed to be on. He told us that the answer he received was that he would be handed a piece of paper and as he prayed about the things written on the paper it would be the things he needed to to do get closer to God.
It was a testimony to me that I never know how the Lord will work. Elder Cook, a recent convert who was with us at the lesson bore our testimonies of baptism, and how the Lord does know us more than we can understand. I told him that the Lord knew him and his trials and his desires.
It was an amazing lesson. I am very excited for this man. He is starting to recognize more and more his faith increasing, his prayers being answered and the path his life needs to be on.
So transfer calls are this coming weekend. I really don't imagine I am leaving but you never know. So next week.. we'll let you know what happens with us. I can't believe how FAST they are going by as they come and go.
I also can't believe that this is my last transfer. I only have 7 more weeks known as Elder Landon.. and that is very sad to me. I don't know if I like that.
I am very excited to be home but I don't want to leave this part of my life..
Also last night we had dinner with some of our ward missionaries.. and after dinner we got permission to watch a film called 17 Miracles. about the Willie Handcart Company.. and there were several families in there that I am curious if I am related to. There was a family with the last name Cunnigham and one with the last name Nielson. I am sure that you would know.. Just wondering.. It was a very good movie. I really enjoyed it.
Well.. things are going very well.. I am excited to be digging deeper to find the gold... and to finish this chapter of my life running. I know that if we work hard that we'll be blessed to have at least three or four baptisms before I go home.
I am also very excited because another missionary and I are planning on taking the train from Grand Junction to Denver when we go home. Those misisonaries that are OutWest are responsible for getting their own ride to Denver the day before their last transfer meeting. So I am going to take the train! I am so excited. Taking an 8 hour train ride through the mountains at the end of November.. it'll be cool.
But again I'll let you know whats going to happen with next transfer .. and I'll let you know next week about those packages.. but like I said they should be in the mail when we get home today. Thanks in advanced for the package and getting my suit situation taken care of. Thanks for the birthday wishes, and prayers.
I love you all
Take care!
-Elder Cameron Landon
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