Dear Family,
Well its sounds like your week has been as busy as ours... it seems we keep getting busier and busier. We just don't have enough time in the day to get everything done.
We've been getting things ready for Theresa's baptism like the Program and finishing up teaching the lessons.. only about two more. But she's moved the date to AUG 7th. I am very excited for this. Yesterday we took her on a tour of the church building with Sister Snow, the Relief Society President of Craig 2nd Ward. That was a big help. I know you've been busy with your calling also.
So today is kinda a anxious day for me because April Hitt, Ryan Hitt's mom, is going to court today to find out if she'll get custody of Ryan and whether or not her ex will have to go to jail for six months... so either she'll get custody of Ryan, written permission from her ex for Ryan to be baptized, or Ryan will have to wait until he is 18 to be baptized... so its a big day... I am nervous. So if he can, he'll be baptized within the next two weeks. I've been hoping and praying for everything to go alright. I'm really anxious because if he can be baptized he's asked me to baptize him... either in the next few weeks or when he's 18... so we'll see.
I sent off a letter today though. I think its the BEST letter I've written, if I do say so my self. I hope you like it... some things have happened to me that have really changed my life and given me a whole new perspective. I wanted to tell you in a hand written letter.
Well, Zone Conference was last Friday and it was great I love Zone Conference. I love hearing how I can become a better missionary. It really boosts my confidence. I love it.
Okay I have to go now I'll talk to you later. I love you so much
take care.
Your son,
-Elder Cameron Landon
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Well, I am still alive... some what... I haven't been feeling that great the past few days... just a stomach bug I think. I'll be fine though... once I get out and working.
An update with Teresa. She is going to be baptized before Aug 13 because that is when one of her friends is leaving to go to Utah. I am really excited for her... Last friday there was a baptism in Baggs for an eight year-old girl and Teresa came all the way up for that... she said it was really touched... especially the Confirmation.. she said it "gave her the chills". Then the next morning she called and asked..."Well, you know how you always ask if there is anything you can do for us? Well, this is actually Macie asking but (Macie is her ten year old daughter) she would like to know if you would be willing to come and help paint her room." So we did... and it is VERY pink. But I am glad we were able to help. We think we might start teaching Macie the lessons because after the baptism in Baggs and after we left she apparently asked a ton of different questions about baptism like when it was going to be her turn and stuff... so that is very exciting.
The same morning that Teresa called and asked for our help we got a call from the second counselor in the Craig 2nd ward bishopric. He asked up to speak in church on sunday about Misssionary Work and the Atonement. So we did... E. Wilson spoke on Missionary Work and I did the Atonement. That is the best talk I have ever given and I love speaking in church now... Its great! So we spoke two weeks in a row... once in Baggs and once in 2nd Ward... so if we get nabbed for 3rd ward I wouldn't really be surprised.
We went to the jail this morning but neither George or Dustin were there. Dustin is a friend of George's and has been coming to the lessons for the past three weeks. But George is in Grand Junction for the week to go to court for his sentencing, this will let us know how long he'll be in jail and if he'll get transferred. We asked if we could see Dustin this morning but they had said he left this morning at 5 am. So we're not sure if he's been transferred or if he's been released. But Dustin is great, George is too but Dustin told us last week that he's been a Baptist his whole life and meeting with us he sees our happiness and wants that in his life... and that he's never felt that in his church ever. That's pretty cool... so once they get out, hopefully they'll continue on with this and fallow through and both be baptized.
I hit my 8 Month mark last sunday... CRAZY... its going by pretty quick.. I can't wait for the next 16 months... they'll be great.
We have Zone Confrence in Grand Junction on Friday... so that's about 2 1/2 - 3 hours aways... and it uses up most of our weekly mile alottment for our car so this week we'll be walking a LOT. But I always LOVE Zone Confrence, and this will be President Maynes first one, so that's exciting. This is Elder Englund's last transfer... he's going home in Aug, he was supposed to go home in Oct but because of how school works over there he's leaving earlier. Its sad because I won't be able to see him at Zone Confrences but I am happy for him too because he gets to see his family. I know I'll see him again soon though.
It has been another crazy busy week... I love it! It keeps my mind off of how much I miss you all.
I love you and pray for you all the time.
Take Care!
You son,
-Elder Cameron Landon
Well, I am still alive... some what... I haven't been feeling that great the past few days... just a stomach bug I think. I'll be fine though... once I get out and working.
An update with Teresa. She is going to be baptized before Aug 13 because that is when one of her friends is leaving to go to Utah. I am really excited for her... Last friday there was a baptism in Baggs for an eight year-old girl and Teresa came all the way up for that... she said it was really touched... especially the Confirmation.. she said it "gave her the chills". Then the next morning she called and asked..."Well, you know how you always ask if there is anything you can do for us? Well, this is actually Macie asking but (Macie is her ten year old daughter) she would like to know if you would be willing to come and help paint her room." So we did... and it is VERY pink. But I am glad we were able to help. We think we might start teaching Macie the lessons because after the baptism in Baggs and after we left she apparently asked a ton of different questions about baptism like when it was going to be her turn and stuff... so that is very exciting.
The same morning that Teresa called and asked for our help we got a call from the second counselor in the Craig 2nd ward bishopric. He asked up to speak in church on sunday about Misssionary Work and the Atonement. So we did... E. Wilson spoke on Missionary Work and I did the Atonement. That is the best talk I have ever given and I love speaking in church now... Its great! So we spoke two weeks in a row... once in Baggs and once in 2nd Ward... so if we get nabbed for 3rd ward I wouldn't really be surprised.
We went to the jail this morning but neither George or Dustin were there. Dustin is a friend of George's and has been coming to the lessons for the past three weeks. But George is in Grand Junction for the week to go to court for his sentencing, this will let us know how long he'll be in jail and if he'll get transferred. We asked if we could see Dustin this morning but they had said he left this morning at 5 am. So we're not sure if he's been transferred or if he's been released. But Dustin is great, George is too but Dustin told us last week that he's been a Baptist his whole life and meeting with us he sees our happiness and wants that in his life... and that he's never felt that in his church ever. That's pretty cool... so once they get out, hopefully they'll continue on with this and fallow through and both be baptized.
I hit my 8 Month mark last sunday... CRAZY... its going by pretty quick.. I can't wait for the next 16 months... they'll be great.
We have Zone Confrence in Grand Junction on Friday... so that's about 2 1/2 - 3 hours aways... and it uses up most of our weekly mile alottment for our car so this week we'll be walking a LOT. But I always LOVE Zone Confrence, and this will be President Maynes first one, so that's exciting. This is Elder Englund's last transfer... he's going home in Aug, he was supposed to go home in Oct but because of how school works over there he's leaving earlier. Its sad because I won't be able to see him at Zone Confrences but I am happy for him too because he gets to see his family. I know I'll see him again soon though.
It has been another crazy busy week... I love it! It keeps my mind off of how much I miss you all.
I love you and pray for you all the time.
Take Care!
You son,
-Elder Cameron Landon
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Hey, how is everybody doing? I'm doing great.... well transfer calls came last night. I felt pretty good about staying all last week until about Sunday, then on Sunday and Monday I had convinced myself that I was the one leaving. Then with our calls last night we found out that.... we are both staying. I am going to grace Craig, Colorado with my presence for yet another six weeks. I'm kidding.. I am VERY excited though. I love it here. I've grown attached to a lot of the people, they're great. Elder Plunkett (from Hawaii), one of the Craig First Ward Elders is staying also, he's been here as long as I have. He has been out one transfer longer than I have. He says when he gets home he'll stay in Hawaii for a bit but then go back to Orem, UT to school at Utah Valley University. And that when I get home I'll have to meet him there and we'll come back to Craig together sometime.. I think that'd be a blast.
Anyways... we do have one baptism soon. Her name is Terisa Weeks. She loves genealogy she is related to Lucy Mack Smith and Warren Foot who traveled with Joseph Smith. Her great-uncle was a member of a quorum of the Seventy in the 50s and 60s. We will set the baptismal date with her tonight when we see her. I am very excited. It was cool the way we found her. She used to take the lessons from missionaries about a year ago but she said she hasn't seen missionaries in over eight months...that was in March when we found her. Anyways I was looking through our Area Book and through the Former Investigators and I saw her name and read the description about her and couldn't understand why she has been dropped as an investigator. So I, after a while, convinced Elder Hendrickson to go and see her. I don't know why he didn't want to. But we went and we found her and the funny thing was that about two weeks before we showed up her uncle sent her a copy of the Book of Mormon to read. Then about a week ago we were teaching the "Welding Link" lesson; talking about how if they make this decision to be baptized they have the opportunity to bring the Gospel into their ancestors lives as well as they're posterity's lives, thus bring thousands upon thousands to Christ. That touched her a lot. I also told her that her ancestors and/or relatives who have yet to come to the earth are possibly the ones who inspired me to go and see her, her uncle to send her a copy of the Book of Mormon, and for her to continue on learning and applying the Gospel in her life because they need her to make this decision. That really hit her and I know that she felt the Spirit. It was great. The Welding Link is a very powerful lesson, especially to one who loves family history.
Another reason why I really am glad I am staying here is because of this young kid named Ryan Hitt. He's 9 years old and he's become like my little brother. We tease each other and play jokes on each other and just always have a good time. His mom and dad are divorced and his mom joined the church a year ago. She only has custody of him every once in a while so when ever she does we go and see him. His dad will not let him be baptized. But we're waiting because they go to court soon to find out more about the custody battle, its a long complicated story but there is a possiblilty that she'll get full-custody of him and his dad might spend 6 months in Jail and/or pay a very big fine because he did not follow the court orders with the guidlines to who has him when. So if April (his mom) doesn't get custody of him Ryan is planning on being baptized when he turns eighteen and I told him to let me know if that's happening because I am going to come back down to Craig, or where ever that is to be there. He also wants to serve a mission, and I said I'd come for that too. Anyways... Ryan is a neat kid... I gave him one of my ties and he really liked that.. I signed the back of it for him too, he was excited. I think I'll probably miss him the most if I leave Craig. He's such a cool kid.
So, Elder Plunkett has this book that I've been looking at and I am finding it VERY interesting and fascinating... its called The Trial of the Stick of Joseph. Its about this man who, in the 50s, was in law school and for his class they had to either prosecute something or defend something. So he went up against his whole class and defended the Book of Mormon. And our religion is the ONLY religion proven true by a court of Law. I've been looking at it and I think I want my own copy of the book. Its written by a guy named Jack H. West. Its really good. I am going to ask Jared to see if he can get me a copy of it.
We had the chance last Saturday to see one of our investigators, Irving Guzman, ride a bull at a rodeo. It was neat... I realized that I was from Idaho and had cousins in rodeos but that was the first one I had ever been too. And here I am in a town that is very small and they live off rodeos... it was a good time and I think it was good to be there to support Irving. He banged up his elbow and knee pretty good but he came limping in to the Branch building the next morning. We don't get to church up in Baggs that often but we got to speak in sacrament meeting that day so Irving got to here us speak. We spoke on Salvation. I think we both, Elder Wilson, did very good jobs... I spoke for about 20-25 minutes and still cut about a third of my talk out. I enjoy speaking now. But I still haven't got to sing in sacrament meeting yet, which I'd really like to do.
So with my gaining wieght ... I am sending back my two pairs of jeans because... they're too tight and I think I'm growing taller too because they're just a tiny bit too short. So I am going to get some more jeans soon... one for service and one to wear on P-days.
I love you all and thank you for everything.
I miss you,
Your son,
-Elder Cameron Landon
Hey, how is everybody doing? I'm doing great.... well transfer calls came last night. I felt pretty good about staying all last week until about Sunday, then on Sunday and Monday I had convinced myself that I was the one leaving. Then with our calls last night we found out that.... we are both staying. I am going to grace Craig, Colorado with my presence for yet another six weeks. I'm kidding.. I am VERY excited though. I love it here. I've grown attached to a lot of the people, they're great. Elder Plunkett (from Hawaii), one of the Craig First Ward Elders is staying also, he's been here as long as I have. He has been out one transfer longer than I have. He says when he gets home he'll stay in Hawaii for a bit but then go back to Orem, UT to school at Utah Valley University. And that when I get home I'll have to meet him there and we'll come back to Craig together sometime.. I think that'd be a blast.
Anyways... we do have one baptism soon. Her name is Terisa Weeks. She loves genealogy she is related to Lucy Mack Smith and Warren Foot who traveled with Joseph Smith. Her great-uncle was a member of a quorum of the Seventy in the 50s and 60s. We will set the baptismal date with her tonight when we see her. I am very excited. It was cool the way we found her. She used to take the lessons from missionaries about a year ago but she said she hasn't seen missionaries in over eight months...that was in March when we found her. Anyways I was looking through our Area Book and through the Former Investigators and I saw her name and read the description about her and couldn't understand why she has been dropped as an investigator. So I, after a while, convinced Elder Hendrickson to go and see her. I don't know why he didn't want to. But we went and we found her and the funny thing was that about two weeks before we showed up her uncle sent her a copy of the Book of Mormon to read. Then about a week ago we were teaching the "Welding Link" lesson; talking about how if they make this decision to be baptized they have the opportunity to bring the Gospel into their ancestors lives as well as they're posterity's lives, thus bring thousands upon thousands to Christ. That touched her a lot. I also told her that her ancestors and/or relatives who have yet to come to the earth are possibly the ones who inspired me to go and see her, her uncle to send her a copy of the Book of Mormon, and for her to continue on learning and applying the Gospel in her life because they need her to make this decision. That really hit her and I know that she felt the Spirit. It was great. The Welding Link is a very powerful lesson, especially to one who loves family history.
Another reason why I really am glad I am staying here is because of this young kid named Ryan Hitt. He's 9 years old and he's become like my little brother. We tease each other and play jokes on each other and just always have a good time. His mom and dad are divorced and his mom joined the church a year ago. She only has custody of him every once in a while so when ever she does we go and see him. His dad will not let him be baptized. But we're waiting because they go to court soon to find out more about the custody battle, its a long complicated story but there is a possiblilty that she'll get full-custody of him and his dad might spend 6 months in Jail and/or pay a very big fine because he did not follow the court orders with the guidlines to who has him when. So if April (his mom) doesn't get custody of him Ryan is planning on being baptized when he turns eighteen and I told him to let me know if that's happening because I am going to come back down to Craig, or where ever that is to be there. He also wants to serve a mission, and I said I'd come for that too. Anyways... Ryan is a neat kid... I gave him one of my ties and he really liked that.. I signed the back of it for him too, he was excited. I think I'll probably miss him the most if I leave Craig. He's such a cool kid.
So, Elder Plunkett has this book that I've been looking at and I am finding it VERY interesting and fascinating... its called The Trial of the Stick of Joseph. Its about this man who, in the 50s, was in law school and for his class they had to either prosecute something or defend something. So he went up against his whole class and defended the Book of Mormon. And our religion is the ONLY religion proven true by a court of Law. I've been looking at it and I think I want my own copy of the book. Its written by a guy named Jack H. West. Its really good. I am going to ask Jared to see if he can get me a copy of it.
We had the chance last Saturday to see one of our investigators, Irving Guzman, ride a bull at a rodeo. It was neat... I realized that I was from Idaho and had cousins in rodeos but that was the first one I had ever been too. And here I am in a town that is very small and they live off rodeos... it was a good time and I think it was good to be there to support Irving. He banged up his elbow and knee pretty good but he came limping in to the Branch building the next morning. We don't get to church up in Baggs that often but we got to speak in sacrament meeting that day so Irving got to here us speak. We spoke on Salvation. I think we both, Elder Wilson, did very good jobs... I spoke for about 20-25 minutes and still cut about a third of my talk out. I enjoy speaking now. But I still haven't got to sing in sacrament meeting yet, which I'd really like to do.
So with my gaining wieght ... I am sending back my two pairs of jeans because... they're too tight and I think I'm growing taller too because they're just a tiny bit too short. So I am going to get some more jeans soon... one for service and one to wear on P-days.
I love you all and thank you for everything.
I miss you,
Your son,
-Elder Cameron Landon
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Hey, Family!
Well, I am still here and still kickin'!
I had the chance to meet President Maynes last Saturday. I had a personal interview with him and he just wanted to get to know us. He actually served his mission in Ireland and Scotland. I thought that was pretty cool. He's a great guy. He was a Seminary teacher his whole life... so he knows his scriptures. I think he and I will get along great.
The lessons with the guys in prison are going great. They're always very good. I love going there. Everyone in there are always really nice to us. Its neat.
My foot is back to normal... 100%... okay maybe like 95 % percent because I can't completely rotate it like I can my other ankle but it doesn't hurt or anything.
We have like 9 people that have said that they want to be baptized but they each have something that's holding them back. I know within the next one or two transfers that all of them will be baptized. I just hope that I am here to see it.. I am going to talk to President Maynes about keeping me here. I love it here.
Transfers are already a week away... that's insane to me!. I really hope I am staying. This area needs a good missionary with a good work ethic.
I love you all thanks for everything..!
Elder Cameron Landon
My boys do not lack in the self esteem department. (As this mom is shaking her head)
Well, I am still here and still kickin'!
I had the chance to meet President Maynes last Saturday. I had a personal interview with him and he just wanted to get to know us. He actually served his mission in Ireland and Scotland. I thought that was pretty cool. He's a great guy. He was a Seminary teacher his whole life... so he knows his scriptures. I think he and I will get along great.
The lessons with the guys in prison are going great. They're always very good. I love going there. Everyone in there are always really nice to us. Its neat.
My foot is back to normal... 100%... okay maybe like 95 % percent because I can't completely rotate it like I can my other ankle but it doesn't hurt or anything.
We have like 9 people that have said that they want to be baptized but they each have something that's holding them back. I know within the next one or two transfers that all of them will be baptized. I just hope that I am here to see it.. I am going to talk to President Maynes about keeping me here. I love it here.
Transfers are already a week away... that's insane to me!. I really hope I am staying. This area needs a good missionary with a good work ethic.
I love you all thanks for everything..!
Elder Cameron Landon
My boys do not lack in the self esteem department. (As this mom is shaking her head)
Friday, July 2, 2010
Cam and his MTC companion, at a zone conference.

So we've moved in with Brother and Sister Ence. I love it, its so nice and they are very funny. I'll tell you more about them later... I don't have much time today because we've got to write a letter to our new Mission President, who comes in tomorrow. And I know I've got a lot to tell him... about our area and everything.
We visited these members who just moved here and they had the coolest dog. He is a 'Bug'. A Boston Terrier and a Pug mix... he was so cute... he looked just like a miniture Boxer... He was cute.
My new companion is a good guy... he's the exact opposite of Hendrickson... a little less acountable.. and doesn't exactly like the rules... but he and I get a long.. I get him working and its not that big of a problem. I've talked with him about a few things he needs to send home... and we've talked to the district leader about them and its all been taken care of. It's working out.
We might have two baptisms before the end of this transfer!
I heard something cool the other day and I really liked it. CTR doesn't only stand for "Choose the Right" but "Current Temple Recommend"
I liked that.
that's all I have for now but thanks for everything. I'm sorry this one is short and ... kind of Random... but its been a crazy week.. I'll tell you more later but I've got to write President Maynes now.
I love you
-Elder Cameron Landon
So we've moved in with Brother and Sister Ence. I love it, its so nice and they are very funny. I'll tell you more about them later... I don't have much time today because we've got to write a letter to our new Mission President, who comes in tomorrow. And I know I've got a lot to tell him... about our area and everything.
We visited these members who just moved here and they had the coolest dog. He is a 'Bug'. A Boston Terrier and a Pug mix... he was so cute... he looked just like a miniture Boxer... He was cute.
My new companion is a good guy... he's the exact opposite of Hendrickson... a little less acountable.. and doesn't exactly like the rules... but he and I get a long.. I get him working and its not that big of a problem. I've talked with him about a few things he needs to send home... and we've talked to the district leader about them and its all been taken care of. It's working out.
We might have two baptisms before the end of this transfer!
I heard something cool the other day and I really liked it. CTR doesn't only stand for "Choose the Right" but "Current Temple Recommend"
I liked that.
that's all I have for now but thanks for everything. I'm sorry this one is short and ... kind of Random... but its been a crazy week.. I'll tell you more later but I've got to write President Maynes now.
I love you
-Elder Cameron Landon
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