Saturday, October 30, 2010

After a very long time...........

Ron's Baptism

Cam and Elder Plunkett, they became good friends.



Well... I'm sorry its been so long since you've gotten an email from me... the Library was closed yesterday... we were both angry. I would have emailed you sooner but this morning Sister Dalton asked us to help her move funiture out of her mother-in-law's apartment.. we started helping her at 9 this morning and just barely finished... but they took us to lunch also.

Ron's baptism went very well. There were a lot of people there which was good. Here is a picture of his baptism... that's me, his wife Melanie, Ron, Brother Tony St. John... (he's the one that's daughter is in the 8th ward and who called dad while he was there), and Elder Vave.

I did get the Halloween Package. Thank you! We are going to use it because the ward is having a Trunk-or-Treat tomorrow night and we will use the glasses and other things to decorate our car. Also we, (at least I am) going to wear some old suit jackets that we found in the back of the closet in the other Craig Elder's Apartment... I have some pictures attatched.... Also is a picture of Elder Plunkett and I when he was transferred out of Craig.. That was a sad day.. He's awesome.. He was in Craig as long as I was until this last transfer... He and I are already planning our trip back to Craig.

I am doing fine... I just hope and pray that at least Stephen Clark will be baptized before I leave because I want to be there for that... and I'm worried it might have to be next transfer... and that's the problem... I am ready for a change... I need to be in a new area... I want to see another part of Colorado... I'm hesitant however because I don't want to go to downtown Denver... because from what I hear its so fast-pase all the time and I know that'll stress me out and then I'll get sick and want to come home even more... I'm going to tell President to not send me to down town Denver.

Well... I'm sorry but there isn't much else to talk about... I can't think of much. I'm sorry I'm still tired from moving stuff most of the day. I love you all. And I miss you. Thanks for everything. I love you

-Elder Cameron Landon

My ding dong kid - love him

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