Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Dear Family,

Things here haven't changed much... except for one thing really.
There is an area in our ward that is in Collbran, CO. and it used to have a branch up ther but that branch was dissolved in January and is now part of the Grand Junction 9th Ward. Anyways Elder Sherman and I were up there. And while we were there we found that a lot of people are very bitter about their branch being closed, they blame it on a the "lack of Priesthood Leadership" and that they don't understand.. and then we just happened to be there and they took it out on us and just ranted for about two hours. We talked with the bishop and the stake president about it and ... whew .. yeah its a mess up there.
I was not expecting events like that when I decided to come on a mission.. its really an eye opener.. but I know the Lord has his reason and truly calls those who he needs.

Anyways on a happier note... we have three people we are working with that want to be baptized... So that's great. Two of them do have things that we are working on with them to help them progress more. But there is a 13 year old Anselmo, he's Hispanic, that is very excited. we asked him to pray for a date that he should be baptized on and he came up with July 16th. Its kinda a ways away but its the date he picked and he's great.. he understands everything and he's been coming to church for quite a time now. So that's cool.
We're teaching this guy Craig, he's a bit crazy, but we helped him overcome his fear of coming to church. he was there there Yesterday and will be coming regularly now, he says. So that's cool.

I will take a lot more pictures this week and send that and those pants out to you next week. Okay?

Not much new has happened yet but I'll let you know next week.
Sorry this is a short one but I can't think of much else.
I love you all very much and please take care!

-Elder Cameron Landon

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