Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Well, things here are going great. I am loving life and the work right now.. we've got a lot of good things going on.

This past Monday a member from the other stake here in Junction called us saying he had a lady who he worked with whose son was going through a really hard time in some crazy court cases and he had talked to her about the Priesthood and blessings. She asked her son if he would want one and he said yes. So we got the address and we found out it wasn't in our area but by then it was too late to call the other missionaries to go so we went. When we got there we taught about the Priesthood and blessings in detail a little more and then we gave him the blessing. None of these people were members and they all said that they felt the Spirit there in their home and we felt it too. It was great. but the cool thing was that Carl Fryer, the man who received the blessing just moved into our ward boundaries so we are going to be teaching him. It was cool.

This morning, about 8 of us in the Zone, started at 5:30 and hiked Mount Garfield... making my third time up there... I forgot how hard it was.. It was over a year ago.. when I was about 15 pounds lighter than I am now... (I'm at 150 pounds now... the biggest I've ever been...!!) So it was a little more tough than last time. but we did it and it was really fun.

Yesterday was our investigators birthday so we made him a cake and went over and ate it with him.. it was fun.. he's a funny guy. He was wearing a shirt that said.. "Ask me about microwaving cats for fun and profit." It made me laugh

Today is my "mission birthday" speaking of birthdays... I have been out for 17 months today.. that means only 7 months left... sadly. I will definitely miss being out here. But I'll make it.

So I don't know if I told you but the rest of the Clark family, in Baggs are getting baptized! And I got permission to go! I am so excited. I am going this Friday to Saturday. Travis McGruder lost his job in Craig a few months back and is down here in Grand Junction going to school to get his CDL license. He's here staying with his grandma during the week and then going back to Craig on the weekends so I am going with him. It'll be great. I am so glad I got permission to go.

I'm sorry I don't have much more to say.. I'll talk to you on the phone soon, though!
I love you and take care.
-Elder Cameron Landon

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