Thursday, May 27, 2010

Dear Family,

Well, another week has come and gone...

Yes, I really enjoyed my interview with President... it went really well and I am glad he trusts me enough to think about making me Senior Companion or District Leader or Trainer.. or whatever he has in store for me this early... I've only been out just over six months. But I hope I can handle whatever he has in store for me.
Okay,... there's no use putting it off anymore.. Last P-day we were playing basket-ball and it was getting to be a pretty heated and intense game... (epsecially with three polyinesians) anyways... I had the ball and I shot it... but as the ball left my hand, I swear I stepped on someone's foot or somethign becasue I rolled my ankle..... BAD. I, as well as everyone else in the gym at the time, heard a very loud 'POP' and I went down screaming. It hurt more than anything I can think of. So... long story short... I sprained my ankle pretty stinkin' bad. I called President Christison, he was a hospital CEO for thirty years, and told him... he said to find a pair of crutches and use them for a week.
Anyways... I was on crutches for the past week and yesterday was my first day off of them... I'm fine.. still limping and not quite back to normal but I'm fine now. So don't worry. I know how you are. but I'm fine. I HATED being on crutches... it sucked! But no more basket-ball for me for a few weeks...

Anyways... Transfers are next week so in my next email I'll be able to tell you if I am staying and if I am District Leader or Training or anything... you never know what the Lord has in store for me.

I love you all Thanks for everything.

-Elder Cameron Landon

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