Saturday, September 25, 2010

He is growing so much....

This is part of a letter I sent to Cam, this is what he is talking about in the first part of the letter.

I want to tell you about a story our teacher told us in RS . Her son was serving a mission, his companion was a sleepwalker and would leave their apartment at night walking around. He tried alot of different things to stop him. Well one night the companion, was walking around the apartment, when the temperature in the apartment dropped significantly and there was a very dark feeling in the apartment. The son, pulled the hood of his sweatshirt and crawled under the blankets. He realized what it was and cast the dark spirits out of their apartment. He and his companion were able to go to sleep. In the morning he got up and found a note written in terrible hand writing, but it was readable. It said a bunch of terrible words and threats toward the missionaries, then the note was signed, Satan. Apparently the companion had written it while he was walking around. The companion was given a couple blessings, sent home to get help and then he was able to go back out into the mission and finish his service. Pretty crazy!!! Satan IS REAL!!!! (that was just in case you forgot)


First off... the story that the RS teacher told .... scared me to DEATH! I had chills run up and down my spine. That is crazy... I know Satan is real and that he is doing everything he possibly can to stop this work from going forth. But what's amazing is... a statement by Joseph Smith that we recite at every district meeting and zone conference... it was one of those things I was memorizing as we were driving down to Utah to drop me off. Its called the Standard of Truth... it says..

"Our missionaries are going forth in different nations, the Standard of Truth has been erected. NO unhallowed hand can stop this work from progressing. Persecutions may rage, mobs my combine, armies may assemble, and calumny may defame, but the truth of God will go forth boldly, nobly, and independently till it has penetrated every continent, visited every climb, swept every country, and sounded in every ear til the purposes of God shall be accomplished and the great Jehovah shall say, 'The work is done' " - Joseph Smith.
That's neat to think about.... but its also interesting that it says no UNHALLOWED hand can stop this work from progressing.... but we can. We can prevent this work from going forth to our brothers and sisters who need the gospel the most by not doing our visiting teaching/home teaching, not being kind, not setting an example of a disciple of Christ. I know we ALL have work to do and that we ALL can do better... even me. But that will come with time.

Also I wanted to let you know that I am not breaking the rules... the library was closed yesterday so we got to today.

The weather here isn't bad... its still somewhat warm... but its cooling off pretty quick.. but they say that we'll get an Indian summer soon... where it'll get pretty cold and then warm up again for about two weeks. but we're expecting snow by the end of Oct. And no we haven't gotten any smoke from the east... I've heard about that fire over in Boulder though... has it effected Mike and Joyce any? Aren't they living over there?

That's fine about my Facebook... but yeah please don't do anything that would embarrass me. I actually heard that you had "taken over my account" from a girl in the ward here who added me and then the next day she said that you had accepted the friend request or something... and that kinda freaked me out but that's fine... yeah weird. Thanks for doing that though.

If you could put my Green Hoodie in with my winter things I would appreciate that... I am also going to send some things home. maybe some books that I haven't used as much as I thought I would. but I really can't think of anything else for my birthday... maybe some money so I can get some new jeans... My don't fit anymore.... I know I am trying to not gain that much weight.. but Its hard... I haven't gained much more... just another 5 lbs... I am now at 145 which is a lot healthier than the 120 I was when I left. And I am trying to find a lady here in the ward that would be willing to let my pants out some, the search is still on... I just hope I can find someone who would do as good a job as you would. Oh yeah...some socks would be nice.. let's put it this way... my socks would NOT survive an attack from Grandma Williams if she saw them... ;) (you can tell her I said that)

Elder Plunkett is having a really hard time with his companion..WE all are! He's very slow and he is causing a lot of problems with the ward and with everyone... its frustrating but we'll make it.

I have somethign really exciting to tell you about Stephen and Jennifer Clark.. but I want to tell you in a personal letter... I'll write that today and get it to you soon.

Well I can't think of anything else to say at this point besides I love you and I pray for you all the time! I miss you!

Your boy,
-Elder Cameron Landon

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