Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Dear Fam,

Well, life is chugging along here..... I am still surviving.. despite the cold weather.. its gotten down to about 30 degrees lately... haha. I say that only because I know its cold there. Its extremely unusual weather they're having here... they say normally its got a lot more snow. But I'm not complaining.

I am not sure what time I'll be calling but it'll be Chirstmas Evening. I can't wait to hear your voices, and talk to you. I can only talk for about 40 minutes. But I am excited. So be prepared.

Our appointment with Steve fell through.. he had forgotten he had a dinner plan with his daughter and he is busy until after the New Year.. (which is the case with a lot of people) So we're seeing him at the beginning of Jan.

Being a Zone Leader isn't bad... but I REALLY would prefer to be just a normal missionary because I don't have to worry too much about other people and if they're doing what they're supposed to be doing. I don't really like that. but The Lord needs me to do it so I wil.

I love you all very much and I miss you tremedously... sorry this letter was a short one but I'll fill you in on Sat. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!
I love you

Your son,
---Elder Cameron Landon

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