Nov. 7
Well, things are going pretty good.
This past weekend was the Montrose Stake's Stake Conference. And they got a new stake Presidency, and as such there were two General Authorities there. Elder Gaveret from Uraguay, and Elder Hillyard from Denver. Elder Gaveret is in the first Quorum of the Seventy and Elder Hillyard is from the sixth Quorum of the Seventy.
It was a good conference. Before the actual Conference they held a special meeting for Investigators close to baptism, recent converts, and members returning to activity. It was good.. and we had a chance to meet the General Authorities. It was neat.
Things with our investigators are doing pretty good.. they all enjoy us coming by and enjoy the lessons.. most of them really want something more in life and know that what we have to share will bring it but they all have a difficult time committing to it and doing the things it takes to grow and increase their faith.
So I am still hoping and praying that I can have one more baptism before I come home. And with the way things are looking that may not happen. But I am fine with it if it doesn't. Its the Lord's will not mine.
And I've noticed that's happened a lot to me. A lot of people I've taught were baptized after I've left... and that's fine.. other missionaries can have that. As long as I know that I had a part of their teaching and learning of the gospel. That's good enough for me!
So these next few weeks I am just going to try and completely wear myself out so I can feel more accomplished when I am on the train and the plane home. I am really looking forward to that time..
I hope that they don't go by too slow or anything.. we'll see...
Well.. I love you all very much and can't wait to see you.
Please take care of yourselves, and don't do more than you should.
I love you.
Your son and brother,
--Elder Cameron Landon
Nov. 14
I saw the picture of the baby.. that's funny.. she's already a photogenic little thing! Haha. I guess you're happy because that means it'll make family pictures a little easier won't it? haha
So we had an awesome lesson this week with Ken Kline.
We were talking with him about how his fasting went for him being able to come to church and for the day he needed to be baptized.
He told us that he was sitting out of his front porch, where he likes to feed and watch birds, while he was thinking about when and if he still should be baptized. He was thinking about how we read the story of when Christ was baptized and how the Holy Ghost descended in the form of a dove. That reminded him that the dove was his mother's favorite bird, and that she passed away on December 24. He's told us before that being with his mother while she passed was one of the most spiritual experiences of his life. And as he is thinking of the dove at Christ's baptism, his own future baptism, and his mother's passing, he looks over and sees a dove sitting on the rail of his porch. And he feels that the dove, or the Spirit told him that he needs to be baptized on the day his mother passed away. So Ken Kline is being baptized on Christmas Eve.
Now for the difficult part.. He wants me to be there. So.. I don't know how I feel about it and I don't know how you feel about it.. but there is a chance I may be away from home on Christmas again this year.. I wanted to talk to you about that.
What are you thoughts on the situation? Should I come, by myself? Is there a way we can all come as a family and possibly have Christmas early, or later, even? I know that there are several families that are willing to let us stay with them and everything.. the Bishop said to just let him know when I talk to you about it...
Any ideas?
Also I got an email from President Maynes today.. and this is what he said.
Elder Landon,
Your ward mission leader told me you are one of the best missionaries he has ever seen. That is a great compliment! I feel the same.
Your fellow servant and friend,
Pres. Maynes
Well.. we actuallly have a lot of people progressing.. I know that I won't be able to see all of them be baptized.. but that's okay with me. I'll just call them and send them a letter/Christmas card, telling them how much I wish I could be there. I'm sure they will understand. I know that it was going to be a tough ordeal to work out but we've still got time to figure it out.
I am very excited to show you all the beautiful places of Colorado.
It is very pretty. I think that my favorite/ the most beautiful place is called Glenwood Springs Canyon. The Interstate I-70 that goes from Grand Junction to Denver drives through it. I am excited to show you. It is beautiful.
So I'm sorry but I've got to go now.. we've got people to teach and things to do.
I love you so very much..
Next week is my last week to email. So it'll be the last time. I hope that i'll be able to talk to you again like this. ..I imagine that I will.
But I love you very much..and can't wait to see you... I'm trying as very hard to not count the days. all I know is that its close.. and sometimes I think its too close.
But that's part of life and especially part of going on a mission.. you've got to go home sometime.
I'll talk to you next week!
Tell everyone I love them!
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
October 11 to November 1 Letters
Well things have been going pretty good. I hope you all had a happy Halloween!
We had to go in after our dinner appointment last night.. so we did and we carved pumpkins! I LOVE carving pumpkins.. I carved two and Elder Curry carved two and Elder Cook carved one.
The first two pictures are Elder Curry's, and third pic. is Elder Cook's and the last two pumpkins are the ones that I carved.. I thought we all did really good. I was really impressed with how well I did.. I had a lot of fun.
We had a good week last week. The ward had a Halloween potluck/trunk or treat party this past Saturday night. It was a good time.
The whole world was dressed up and they all had different costumes. It was fun.. We couldn't really dress up but we did something anyways.. we didn't dress up but what we did was fun still..
It was funny how I thought of what to do. I was saying my prayer that morning and was going through our plans for the day and whatnot.. and then I just had it come to me.
So we took wire hangers and put them in our ties and bent them in fun shapes.. the kids in the ward thought that it was pretty fun..
Elder Cook, was embarrassed so he put his jacket on as soon as he could.. but his tie was tied in the shape of bow tie. It was neat.
Then this past Sunday the ward had the 5th Sunday lesson. And it was Brother Palmer's (he is our Ward Mission Leader) idea to teach the ward members how to invite their friends. To invite them to meetings, activities, and to learn about the church. And so he taught some of it and then he asked if I would teach the other half. So I did.
I was a little nervous because I had never taught that many people all at once before. The WHOLE ward was there, except for those in the primary. They had the young men and the young women in there as well. So I taught about 100 or more adults and youth how to invite their friends to events.
I got several good comments back and said it went well.. but I thought I could have done better.
So... sad day was on Sunday as well.. it was my LAST fast and testimony meeting as Elder Landon. I knew I had to do it. It was a very realistic feeling.. sad feeling too. I don't want it to end. I'm going to miss these people so much. I'm going to miss teaching people about the Restored Gospel. I can't even imagine what its going to be like... I don't want to come home.
We did have a really good lesson with Ken again.. we fasted with him on Sunday so he can have the opportunity to come to church more regularly. He said that he was preparing to fast but then he said he was going to "take it a step further" and fast for the day that he needed to be baptized on. I was very excited to hear that.
So I am hoping and praying that I'll see him get baptized before I come home. He's such a great guy.
Well.. I love you all very much and can't believe its so soon to coming to a close.. I don't want to believe it but ... its coming nonetheless.
I miss you and can't wait to see you.
Your son and brother,
-Elder Cameron Landon
Dear Family,
So I think we adjusted to having a third wheel fairly quickly. Elder Curry is a great missionary. He's from Mesa, AZ and he's a good worker, which is nice because I know it'll help me stay focused to the end.
Speaking of interviews I am getting recommend renewed because it expires at the end of this month. It'll be nice to have a current one. ;)
We had a GREAT day yesterday! We taught 6 lessons and found two new investigators! Because there are three of us Elder Cook and Elder Curry went to visit some people and Paul (Our Assistant Ward Mission Leader and I went and saw several other people. It was a great day and I am very excited for the new investigators we found.. I feel very strong that they'll be baptized before the end of this transfer.
It amazes me that the Lord sees fit to trust me to help Him in His work!
I'm sorry this email was pretty short but we've got to get back to work.
I love you all and can't wait to hear from you soon!
Thanks for everything!
Your son and brother,
-Elder Cameron Landon
Oct. 18
Dear Family,
So transfers are today. We are emailing really quick to get to Grand Junction by noon.
So sorry but this will be quick and short.
Elder Cook and I are both staying and we are getting a third companion!
That's not a very common occurrence, but I think it will help Elder Cook out once I leave. Our new companion is named Elder Curry, and he's from Phoenix, AZ. That's about all I know about him. He's currently driving with the "Transfer Train" over the mountains to Grand Junction where we'll meet him. From what I've heard he has only been out for two transfers.. so 12 weeks.
Now when a missionary is with his trainer he is being trained, when he gets his second companion or is in his third transfer, he is "follow up trained" not that we are training him but still making sure he is catching on to being a missionary and used to the ropes.
so my last six weeks will be spent training Elder Cook and follow-up training Elder Curry. I guess.. the Lord thinks I can do that.
But I know that President Maynes and the Lord wouldn't have Elder Curry both be taking over the area and follow up training Elder Cook when I leave if Elder Curry weren't an exceptional missionary.
So I am looking forward to meeting him and working hard my last few weeks.
We had a Missionary Fireside this past Friday night where we had a showing of the film The Testaments. We advertised it in several of the local papers (we called it an Open House). And we told all of the members to invite friends and neighbors. There, sadly wasn't as many people there as we would have liked but there were a good amount of non-members in ratio to the amount of people there.
The Young Women's President of the ward brought a 15 year old girl. And she really enjoyed herself. Outside of the chapel that night we set up a table with extra copies of the dvd and a stack of Copies of the Book of Mormon. And as they were leaving she took a Book of Mormon and said she was going to read it.
And then Sunday morning rolls around and she showed up with Sister Gilmore (the YW Pres.) She told us that Katie (the girl) called that morning for the church time and for a ride. So we will be hopefully starting to teach her this week.
We had a chance to do a lot of service last week.. we helped tear a roof off of an addition built on to a trailer home.. and I fell off the roof once and then almost did a second time.. well not necessarily off but through. It was a poorly made roof and it was dry rotted.. but I am fine. I only have a few VERY SMALL scrapes (so don't worry) it could have been a lot worse.. because the one time I did fall I came INCHES from falling on to a big old wood stove... but I am fine so don't worry.
And tomorrow we are helping the Bishop and our Assistant Ward Mission Leader put up sheet rock in an Habitat for Humanity house. I am excited to do that.. It'll be fun.
So I did get my birthday package thank you very much.
But I haven't gotten the Missionary Mall package with that new suit just yet. So we'll see when it comes. I don't know when it'll show up. But I'm not too worried about it.
Well I am sorry but I can't think of anything else to say. I love you all and can't wait to see you.
Please take care!
Love YOU!
-Elder Cameron Landon
Oct. 11
Dear Family,
One "present" I got was the opportunity to speak in sacrament meeting for my birthday. Elder Cook and I were asked to speak. Elder Cook on Doctrine and Covenants Section 4 and myself on "Called to Serve". I enjoy speaking and teaching.. I love talking about the gospel. But I was a little ... not upset .. just surprised when the Bishop was making the announcements before the opening hymn...and his last announcement was "And today is Elder Landon's Birthday." I was surprised and everyone saw the look on my face and I could hear several laughs come from the ward.. I wasn't expecting that to happen.. because not many people knew it was my birthday.
I also wanted to share an experience we had this past week.
We have an investigator named Ken Kline. He has been taught by the missionaries for almost two years. I know that the only reason why he hasn't been baptized is because of his work schedule. He works every Sunday at the Montrose airport. He has been able to attend in the past on an occasion, but not regularly.
Every time we have a lesson with him it is always a spiritual experience. And several lessons ago we introduced and talked more about the principle of fasting, with the intention of fasting with him that the windows of heaven would be opened to allow him to attend church.
This last lesson we had with him we were answering his question from his reading in Alma. And finally at the end he saw that we would shortly have to leave.. and he put down his Book of Mormon and said, "Well, I've decided that I just need to be serious about this and get going with it. What do I need to do to get baptized?"
So we were very excited.. and we started explaining to him the things that need to happen before that takes place. He's been taught all the lessons, so just a going over of those to make sure he understands them, he needs to come to church a few more times, and then I reached into my planner and ripped out at the beginning the baptismal interview questions and handed them to him. Explaining that those are the questions that he would need to know and to have a conviction and testimony of. I also told him to pray about them.
As I handed the paper to him and explained about the interview questions he started to get very emotional and to cry. He then proceeded to tell us that he was praying the night before about if this really was the path that he needed to be on. He told us that the answer he received was that he would be handed a piece of paper and as he prayed about the things written on the paper it would be the things he needed to to do get closer to God.
It was a testimony to me that I never know how the Lord will work. Elder Cook, a recent convert who was with us at the lesson bore our testimonies of baptism, and how the Lord does know us more than we can understand. I told him that the Lord knew him and his trials and his desires.
It was an amazing lesson. I am very excited for this man. He is starting to recognize more and more his faith increasing, his prayers being answered and the path his life needs to be on.
So transfer calls are this coming weekend. I really don't imagine I am leaving but you never know. So next week.. we'll let you know what happens with us. I can't believe how FAST they are going by as they come and go.
I also can't believe that this is my last transfer. I only have 7 more weeks known as Elder Landon.. and that is very sad to me. I don't know if I like that.
I am very excited to be home but I don't want to leave this part of my life..
Also last night we had dinner with some of our ward missionaries.. and after dinner we got permission to watch a film called 17 Miracles. about the Willie Handcart Company.. and there were several families in there that I am curious if I am related to. There was a family with the last name Cunnigham and one with the last name Nielson. I am sure that you would know.. Just wondering.. It was a very good movie. I really enjoyed it.
Well.. things are going very well.. I am excited to be digging deeper to find the gold... and to finish this chapter of my life running. I know that if we work hard that we'll be blessed to have at least three or four baptisms before I go home.
I am also very excited because another missionary and I are planning on taking the train from Grand Junction to Denver when we go home. Those misisonaries that are OutWest are responsible for getting their own ride to Denver the day before their last transfer meeting. So I am going to take the train! I am so excited. Taking an 8 hour train ride through the mountains at the end of November.. it'll be cool.
But again I'll let you know whats going to happen with next transfer .. and I'll let you know next week about those packages.. but like I said they should be in the mail when we get home today. Thanks in advanced for the package and getting my suit situation taken care of. Thanks for the birthday wishes, and prayers.
I love you all
Take care!
-Elder Cameron Landon
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
My boy is doing wonderful.
Sept 20.
So things here have been going very well. We're still trying to find some more people to teach and luckily we've got an appointment later today that will help. It'll be our first lesson with a lady and her granddaughter that we met last week.. So I am excited about that.
We had a Zone Conference last friday and it was really good. I enjoyed it very much. It was, sadly, my last one.
So yeah things have been pretty fun chucking hay bales.. and what not. Its been a good experience.
We've been doing a lot of service lately. We will be moving furniture, painting houses, moving wood.. and everything in between.
I taught the Gospel Principles class on Sunday this week. Can I just tell you how much I LOVE doing that! I absolutely love teaching that class. The lesson was on Developing our Talents. It was a topic I'm not accustomed to teaching as a missionary but it ended up being a good message. We even had a couple of nonmember as well as less actives in the class that day. It was good.
I even had several people come up to me and say how much they enjoyed the lesson.. and that I was a good teacher.. I sure hope so.. I just try my best.
Well.. I'm sorry I don't have much to say this week.. just still trucking on.
Oh next Sunday a recent convert, he was baptized in April, has asked that I stand in the circle when he receives the Melchezidek Priesthood at the Stake General Priesthood meeting.I am pretty excited about that. He's a good guy. And he was also just called to be our Assistant Ward Mission Leader.
I love you all very much.
Take Care!
Your son and brother,
-Elder Cameron Landon
Sept. 27
Dear Family,
Well.. this past week was an interesting one. We did a lot of good things..
We did about 12-15 hours of service.
We of course worked at the Ranch with Jeff moving hay bales and cleaning stalls. But we also helped several people either cut or move firewood, we helped replace the skirting around a trailer home.. but when we removed one section of the skirting we noticed that the pipe that was attached to the septic line wasn't connected exactly right the angle was off and as such there was sewage soaked into the ground and small puddle.. so we covered the puddle with enough dirt that we could actually work on the pipe and made some cuts and fixed the "poop-pipe" as it came to be known by.. so that was a messy job... it was a long week.
And besides it being a long week.. Satan was trying very hard to get me discouraged... I am really surprised at how much he really doesn't want this work to come about.. or blind me to the work that has already been done. Like forget about the amazing events that happened this past weekend.
The other thing that was pretty special and I was very thankful to have taken part in was: There is a man that was baptized in Cedaredge back in April and he has been great at helping us teach people.. and going with us to lessons and whatnot. He was even called as our Assistant Ward Mission Leader. Anyways... In the Montrose, CO stake (which we're apart of here) had their Stake Priesthood Meeting and he received the Melchezidek Priesthood.
That was a neat experience.. While we were in the High council room the High councilor asked him who else he wanted to stand in the circle, he pointed to me and asked if I'd come in. He gave me a big hug after it was through.
On our way back to the car, (Montrose is about an hour drive away from Cedaredge) I walked up to him and shook his hand again and said "Its reasons like this that I'm a missionary." and he started crying..
But its true.. this past week has had some amazing events that make me realize that what I am doing is right and that Satan cannot bring me down.. I know these people will be blessed being apart of the True Gospel of Jesus Christ. I know that.
Things have been going very well.. I am very excited for General Conference this weekend and a chance to know what the Lord needs ME to work on and how I can continue helping other come unto Christ through Christ, His Atonement, and the restored Gospel. Its going to be good. Can't wait.
Please give everyone my love and tell them I miss them.
I love you.
Talk to you soon.
Your son and brother,
-Elder Cameron Landon
October 4
Dear Family,
I loved General Conference this past weekend. It was nice to know that Heavenly Father knows ME.. and my family. I can remember several talks that I know were inspired because of me and my life as well as the lives of my family and investigators. It was great I loved it.
Elder Cook was pretty dang excited when Pres. Monson announced there being a Temple built in Wyoming. All of the Temples announced I thought were pretty excited. A second one in Provo, Paris, France! that's really exciting.
Things have been going pretty good. I am very excited for the weather to start cooling down. October is my Favorite month of the year. I love the colors and everything. The colors of the Grand Mesa in the background and all the trees changing here make Cedaredge a beautiful place to serve. I love it.
We are still trucking along and trying to get our investigators to make and keep those commitments that I know will help them come closer to Christ. But sometimes..they just don't get it! Its frustrating sometimes.. if only they knew! But that's what I am trying to do to help them come unto Christ.
Well.. sorry but I've got to go we have an appointment soon.
I love you all so very much. Please know you are always in my prayers.
Your son and brother,
- Show quoted text -
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Many over due letters....
Aug 2
Dear Family,
Cedaredge is just great little farming/fruit & vegi growing town.. its like if you took Ririe and combined it with Island Park.. strange I know but you know how Ririe has the small town farm feeling and in Island Park you feel like you're in the mountains... well that's what it feels like here. It doesn't have as many trees as Island Park does however.. but still pretty. The ward here is great.. the Ward Mission Leader is a great guy. I really like it. There is a lot of work to do here.. so I am happy.
Teaching a new missionary is a lot different than being a Zone Leader. Being a Zone Leader you have a companion who knows what to do... and since I was one for such a long time.. I relied on him, who ever he may have been, to do a lot of the teaching... now I am doing most of the teaching and most of the talking but its not a bad thing.. I really have been relying on the Lord a lot to help me know what I need to do. I think it'll all be alright
Elder Rea (Ray) is from Mount Angel, Oregon (near Salem). He is a good kid with a good heart and a desire to work. He is a little awkward.. .and kinda socially.. shy? But not necessarily shy but just doesn't know how to act exactly around certain people... I don't know how to explain him.
But do you remember Kyle Madsen? He reminds me a LOT of him.. I guess that it is the best way I can describe him. A good kid.
But I did hear some REALLY exciting news.
Remember Trent and Karie Hill, in GJ 6th Ward? Well.. how they couldn't have children before Elder Englund and I starting teaching Trent? Then after several lessons..they found out she was expecting. Well he did get baptized last Sept... I am pretty sure I told you this. But he received the Melchezidek Priesthood and the same day blessed his baby boy Ryder. AWESOME!
But right before I left Junction, this time, I went by to say goodbye. They gave me some GREAT news. They are going to Salt Lake to be sealed on Sept 23. Its too bad that I won't be able to be there! But I am still extremely happy for them. But they also gave me a picture of their family: the two of them and their little boy in their church clothes. On the picture it said :
"Ties: $15, Hairspray: $10, Snacks to keep quiet during church: $5, Knowing there are FOUR people in this picture: PRICELESS"
She then told me that she's expecting again. She's due in Feb. The Gospel really blesses families! It blesses those that have them and those that can't and want them.
Pretty exciting.
That makes me even more excited to finally meet my new niece of nephew... and cousins (because I still haven't met Nicole's baby, Houston? yet). And Bethany's baby.
There will be a lot of new additions to our family when I get! I can't wait to meet them.
But that is all that I can think of at this time.
I love you all very much and can't wait to see you all!
Please take care.
Love your son and brother,
Elder Cameron Landon
Aug 16
Things here have been pretty good.. I realized something the a while ago.. I've been teaching people...for a while now about how praying is simply talking to our Father in Heaven.. And then I turn around and just start doing the same old same old prayers.. But several nights ago I couldn't sleep.. And I just started talking. I just started talking to God. It was an amazing conversation. I really know my Father knows. me. It really opened my mind, I know he does answer prayers.
This last week.. I've been asking Him what I can do to help Elder Rea become a better missionary. What I could do to help him and this area. I got the response that he needed to learn different ways to find more investigators. So we started with the east way.. Going through the Area Book going through those teaching records to see if there are any that stand out to us. That is how we found Theresa Weeks in Craig...she was a former investigator.
So we took out several people's records and started contacting them. We, by Tuesday, had contacted three of them.. and when you contact a former investigator and start teaching them again it counts as a new investigator. And we found one other person to let us start teaching them again. So besides starting to teach four new people this week.. about three others said we could come back. So we had a very successful week. I am very excited for that.
I love you all very much. Thank you for everything. I'll see in you in three and a half very short months.
Your son and brother,
-Elder Cameron Landon
Aug 23
I did receive you package on Saturday night. Thank you so much for the letters and for the breads and everything. I was really excited to get the salsa.
Things have been going very good. We were able to set a goal with our other investigator Kevin to be baptized on Sept. 17. He is a great guy... a little rough around the edges but he's so willing to change his life. He has a very close friend in Utah who is a member and about a week ago he spent 7 or 8 days over in Utah with his friend. And he took ALL the Temple square tours and everything. He came back ready to get "plugged in" to the church as he said. Haha.
We are also still, hopefully, having a baptism on the 3rd of Sept. That is if he hasn't had a slip up with the Word of Wisdom. He has had a drinking problem in the past..and he's not an alcoholic but he does enjoy a beer or two everyday. So we're hoping he'll make it. He says "I don't think I can do it. I KNOW I can." so thats hopeful thinking. I am very excited.
I am still working hard.. Having some success.. some rejection.. but that comes with the badge. I woke up this morning not feeling to great.. just one of those days where you feel like "BLAH." I woke up with two cold sores too! right next to each other! UGH!
I suppose I'll survive.
I love you all.
Your son and brother.
Aug 30
Things have been going pretty good. We talked to a man this morning who used to be taught by missionaries. His name is John David. He was very kind and will for us to come back.. I don't know exactly why missionaries stopped going, but we'll find out.
He was showing us his garden and flower-beds.. they are very nice. They were all along his property line and are leveled with different levels made from big rocks. It was really pretty. He had hundreds of different types of flowers. it was very nice. He was a nice guy too. So we'll see what'll come of it.
I cannot believe that transfer calls are already this week. We find out Friday night or Saturday night.. I'll have to let you know what's going to happen next Tuesday. I know we email on Tuesday and Tuesday is Transfer Day.. So we'll probably come and email that morning. I am pretty sure I'm not going anywhere until.. I come home but.. we'll see ya never know...
I hope I stay.. I like staying in areas longer rather than not.
So things have been going pretty good. We've been finding more people to teach.. teaching.. going to church.. studying.. sleeping.. eating.. going to church.. finding.. teaching.. eating.. finding people to teach... sleeping... the same thing day in and day out.. that's the ONLY thing I am not a fan of .. the monotony.. I just enjoy doing something different.
So yesterday was a nice change.
We went down to Montrose where our Zone Leaders are at and spent Pday with them. The have a member who owns a bowling alley and lets us go for free. So that was pretty fun. I enjoyed that.
Not too much else to talk about.. I can't really think of anything else that has happened. Since last week.
Still going, and enjoying to the end (because ENDURING to the end has a negative connotation).
I really do love you and cannot wait to see you in only three short months.
Take care and know you're always in my prayers.
Love your son and brother,
-Elder Cameron Landon
Sep 6
Well..transfer time is here. I am actually in Grand Junction right now at the college using their computers to email quickly before the transfer meeting.
Elder Rea is being transferred and I am getting a brand new missionary. I am training again. I am kinda nervous about it but excited at the same time. We've got a lot of good things going on and he'll be able to experience it all, which is just what he needs.
But I am looking forward for this next transfer.
Which reminds me ... we gave our investigator Kevin Eastman a blessing to help him with his Word of Wisdom issue.. and after the blessing he gave us all of his cigarettes and coffee to get rid of.. But Satan is working hard on him. He broke up with his girlfriend because he knew she wasn't going to help him in his new path.. and he's pretty bummed about that... so if you could keep him in your prayers. I'd appreciate that.
He's by far one of my favorite investigators. I care about him a lot. a GREAT guy.
I don't think I'm getting trunky.. I am very excited to see you, to start work, and school... but I know why I'm here. I don't want to quit now... there are too many trunky missionaries here and they bug.. me. I just keep reminding myself of that story of the gold mine.. so it'll help..
I'm doing my best.
I don't have too much time before the transfer meeting starts.. so I've got to go.. But I'll talk to you next week.
Your son and brother,
-Elder Cameron Landon
Sept. 13
Dear Family,
Well.. while I'm here serving the Lord and I hear that all my family members are falling apart physically..
I hope that everything is going to turn out okay.
Things are going pretty good.
My new companion is Elder Cook from Evanston, WY. I think it is very strange to be serving with a companion from a state that I've served in. But that's okay. I don't know if you know where Evanston is.. but its in the SW corner near the Utah border. He's a good guy, really quite and very nervous but he'll be a good missionary.. just trying to help him come out of his shell a little bit.
But CRAZY story.. so Elder Cook was showing me some pictures of his family at his Farewell.. and there were a few pictures of a few girls that I recognized.
And then I realized who they were. I asked him if they lived in Idaho Falls and they do!
Do you remember the lady that always helped with Vicki at IFYAC, DeAnn Cook? Well, that's his aunt.
So you can tell Vicki to tell DeAnn that I am training her nephew. How crazy is that!
I thought that was pretty cool.
Things are going pretty good.. we're just chugging along. I've noticed that there are a lot of times like this where not a whole lot of new things are going on and we're just trying to help our investigators progress so that they'll be able to be baptized.
Kevin is doing alright. He's been doing better than he was. But we haven't been able to get a hold of him lately.. so we're still praying for him.
I don't know if I told you but every Wed. we go and help a Less-active guy do some ranch work. He was hired there to brake horses. But about a month before I got to Cedaredge he was bucked off and broke both hips, seven ribs, and a piece off of his vertebrae.. so he was in a hospital for a while and wasn't able to work. So we went by and was driving a little John Deere Gator around and bucking hay bales... we do that for about 2-3 hours every Wednesday. So that's pretty fun and exciting. We helped him out around the Ranch today, he's doing fine now by the way.. he received a blessing and healed so quickly that the doctors were amazed. Its also nice because he always feeds us lunch when we stop by.
We have a Zone Conference this Friday and I am excited. The Zone Conferences that we have are always great but I am saddened because this will be my last one before I go home.. I don't know how I feel about that. But all good things must come to an end... at least in this earthly life.
I have no idea what's gonna happen in the future.. I am honestly not thinking about anything 5 years in the future. I don't have any clue whats going to come.
All I do know is that I am going to follow Pres. Monson's advice in the last General Priesthood meeting, granted, he was talking about getting married but like I think I've said before it applies to all aspects of life. Rather than "finding the right person we need to BE the right person. or in this case rather than thinking of what to do in the future.. I need to become the right person now rather than later.. I know that probably doesn't make a whole lot of sense to you but. It makes sense to me and I know that that is the advice or counsel that I need to follow at this time in my life.
Speaking of which I am very excited for General Conference coming up in the somewhat near future. I am so excited to hear from the spokesmen of God on the earth today. It always brings more guidance and direction to my life than a lot of other things. It'll be good
I am very excited about you going and being able to experience seeing the Hills be sealed. That's really exciting. You'll have to give her a hug for me because every time I went over there she was always upset that she wasn't able to hug Elder Englund and I. So you'll have to do that for me. Ya know?
Well, I can't think of anything else to tell you.
Hopefully next week I'll have more news for you and be able to inform you on more things.
Thank you so very much for everything that you do and all your prayers. I love you so very much.
Your son and brother,
-Elder Cameron Landon
Dear Family,
Cedaredge is just great little farming/fruit & vegi growing town.. its like if you took Ririe and combined it with Island Park.. strange I know but you know how Ririe has the small town farm feeling and in Island Park you feel like you're in the mountains... well that's what it feels like here. It doesn't have as many trees as Island Park does however.. but still pretty. The ward here is great.. the Ward Mission Leader is a great guy. I really like it. There is a lot of work to do here.. so I am happy.
Teaching a new missionary is a lot different than being a Zone Leader. Being a Zone Leader you have a companion who knows what to do... and since I was one for such a long time.. I relied on him, who ever he may have been, to do a lot of the teaching... now I am doing most of the teaching and most of the talking but its not a bad thing.. I really have been relying on the Lord a lot to help me know what I need to do. I think it'll all be alright
Elder Rea (Ray) is from Mount Angel, Oregon (near Salem). He is a good kid with a good heart and a desire to work. He is a little awkward.. .and kinda socially.. shy? But not necessarily shy but just doesn't know how to act exactly around certain people... I don't know how to explain him.
But do you remember Kyle Madsen? He reminds me a LOT of him.. I guess that it is the best way I can describe him. A good kid.
But I did hear some REALLY exciting news.
Remember Trent and Karie Hill, in GJ 6th Ward? Well.. how they couldn't have children before Elder Englund and I starting teaching Trent? Then after several lessons..they found out she was expecting. Well he did get baptized last Sept... I am pretty sure I told you this. But he received the Melchezidek Priesthood and the same day blessed his baby boy Ryder. AWESOME!
But right before I left Junction, this time, I went by to say goodbye. They gave me some GREAT news. They are going to Salt Lake to be sealed on Sept 23. Its too bad that I won't be able to be there! But I am still extremely happy for them. But they also gave me a picture of their family: the two of them and their little boy in their church clothes. On the picture it said :
"Ties: $15, Hairspray: $10, Snacks to keep quiet during church: $5, Knowing there are FOUR people in this picture: PRICELESS"
She then told me that she's expecting again. She's due in Feb. The Gospel really blesses families! It blesses those that have them and those that can't and want them.
Pretty exciting.
That makes me even more excited to finally meet my new niece of nephew... and cousins (because I still haven't met Nicole's baby, Houston? yet). And Bethany's baby.
There will be a lot of new additions to our family when I get! I can't wait to meet them.
But that is all that I can think of at this time.
I love you all very much and can't wait to see you all!
Please take care.
Love your son and brother,
Elder Cameron Landon
Aug 16
Things here have been pretty good.. I realized something the a while ago.. I've been teaching people...for a while now about how praying is simply talking to our Father in Heaven.. And then I turn around and just start doing the same old same old prayers.. But several nights ago I couldn't sleep.. And I just started talking. I just started talking to God. It was an amazing conversation. I really know my Father knows. me. It really opened my mind, I know he does answer prayers.
This last week.. I've been asking Him what I can do to help Elder Rea become a better missionary. What I could do to help him and this area. I got the response that he needed to learn different ways to find more investigators. So we started with the east way.. Going through the Area Book going through those teaching records to see if there are any that stand out to us. That is how we found Theresa Weeks in Craig...she was a former investigator.
So we took out several people's records and started contacting them. We, by Tuesday, had contacted three of them.. and when you contact a former investigator and start teaching them again it counts as a new investigator. And we found one other person to let us start teaching them again. So besides starting to teach four new people this week.. about three others said we could come back. So we had a very successful week. I am very excited for that.
I love you all very much. Thank you for everything. I'll see in you in three and a half very short months.
Your son and brother,
-Elder Cameron Landon
Aug 23
I did receive you package on Saturday night. Thank you so much for the letters and for the breads and everything. I was really excited to get the salsa.
Things have been going very good. We were able to set a goal with our other investigator Kevin to be baptized on Sept. 17. He is a great guy... a little rough around the edges but he's so willing to change his life. He has a very close friend in Utah who is a member and about a week ago he spent 7 or 8 days over in Utah with his friend. And he took ALL the Temple square tours and everything. He came back ready to get "plugged in" to the church as he said. Haha.
We are also still, hopefully, having a baptism on the 3rd of Sept. That is if he hasn't had a slip up with the Word of Wisdom. He has had a drinking problem in the past..and he's not an alcoholic but he does enjoy a beer or two everyday. So we're hoping he'll make it. He says "I don't think I can do it. I KNOW I can." so thats hopeful thinking. I am very excited.
I am still working hard.. Having some success.. some rejection.. but that comes with the badge. I woke up this morning not feeling to great.. just one of those days where you feel like "BLAH." I woke up with two cold sores too! right next to each other! UGH!
I suppose I'll survive.
I love you all.
Your son and brother.
Aug 30
Things have been going pretty good. We talked to a man this morning who used to be taught by missionaries. His name is John David. He was very kind and will for us to come back.. I don't know exactly why missionaries stopped going, but we'll find out.
He was showing us his garden and flower-beds.. they are very nice. They were all along his property line and are leveled with different levels made from big rocks. It was really pretty. He had hundreds of different types of flowers. it was very nice. He was a nice guy too. So we'll see what'll come of it.
I cannot believe that transfer calls are already this week. We find out Friday night or Saturday night.. I'll have to let you know what's going to happen next Tuesday. I know we email on Tuesday and Tuesday is Transfer Day.. So we'll probably come and email that morning. I am pretty sure I'm not going anywhere until.. I come home but.. we'll see ya never know...
I hope I stay.. I like staying in areas longer rather than not.
So things have been going pretty good. We've been finding more people to teach.. teaching.. going to church.. studying.. sleeping.. eating.. going to church.. finding.. teaching.. eating.. finding people to teach... sleeping... the same thing day in and day out.. that's the ONLY thing I am not a fan of .. the monotony.. I just enjoy doing something different.
So yesterday was a nice change.
We went down to Montrose where our Zone Leaders are at and spent Pday with them. The have a member who owns a bowling alley and lets us go for free. So that was pretty fun. I enjoyed that.
Not too much else to talk about.. I can't really think of anything else that has happened. Since last week.
Still going, and enjoying to the end (because ENDURING to the end has a negative connotation).
I really do love you and cannot wait to see you in only three short months.
Take care and know you're always in my prayers.
Love your son and brother,
-Elder Cameron Landon
Sep 6
Well..transfer time is here. I am actually in Grand Junction right now at the college using their computers to email quickly before the transfer meeting.
Elder Rea is being transferred and I am getting a brand new missionary. I am training again. I am kinda nervous about it but excited at the same time. We've got a lot of good things going on and he'll be able to experience it all, which is just what he needs.
But I am looking forward for this next transfer.
Which reminds me ... we gave our investigator Kevin Eastman a blessing to help him with his Word of Wisdom issue.. and after the blessing he gave us all of his cigarettes and coffee to get rid of.. But Satan is working hard on him. He broke up with his girlfriend because he knew she wasn't going to help him in his new path.. and he's pretty bummed about that... so if you could keep him in your prayers. I'd appreciate that.
He's by far one of my favorite investigators. I care about him a lot. a GREAT guy.
I don't think I'm getting trunky.. I am very excited to see you, to start work, and school... but I know why I'm here. I don't want to quit now... there are too many trunky missionaries here and they bug.. me. I just keep reminding myself of that story of the gold mine.. so it'll help..
I'm doing my best.
I don't have too much time before the transfer meeting starts.. so I've got to go.. But I'll talk to you next week.
Your son and brother,
-Elder Cameron Landon
Sept. 13
Dear Family,
Well.. while I'm here serving the Lord and I hear that all my family members are falling apart physically..
I hope that everything is going to turn out okay.
Things are going pretty good.
My new companion is Elder Cook from Evanston, WY. I think it is very strange to be serving with a companion from a state that I've served in. But that's okay. I don't know if you know where Evanston is.. but its in the SW corner near the Utah border. He's a good guy, really quite and very nervous but he'll be a good missionary.. just trying to help him come out of his shell a little bit.
But CRAZY story.. so Elder Cook was showing me some pictures of his family at his Farewell.. and there were a few pictures of a few girls that I recognized.
And then I realized who they were. I asked him if they lived in Idaho Falls and they do!
Do you remember the lady that always helped with Vicki at IFYAC, DeAnn Cook? Well, that's his aunt.
So you can tell Vicki to tell DeAnn that I am training her nephew. How crazy is that!
I thought that was pretty cool.
Things are going pretty good.. we're just chugging along. I've noticed that there are a lot of times like this where not a whole lot of new things are going on and we're just trying to help our investigators progress so that they'll be able to be baptized.
Kevin is doing alright. He's been doing better than he was. But we haven't been able to get a hold of him lately.. so we're still praying for him.
I don't know if I told you but every Wed. we go and help a Less-active guy do some ranch work. He was hired there to brake horses. But about a month before I got to Cedaredge he was bucked off and broke both hips, seven ribs, and a piece off of his vertebrae.. so he was in a hospital for a while and wasn't able to work. So we went by and was driving a little John Deere Gator around and bucking hay bales... we do that for about 2-3 hours every Wednesday. So that's pretty fun and exciting. We helped him out around the Ranch today, he's doing fine now by the way.. he received a blessing and healed so quickly that the doctors were amazed. Its also nice because he always feeds us lunch when we stop by.
We have a Zone Conference this Friday and I am excited. The Zone Conferences that we have are always great but I am saddened because this will be my last one before I go home.. I don't know how I feel about that. But all good things must come to an end... at least in this earthly life.
I have no idea what's gonna happen in the future.. I am honestly not thinking about anything 5 years in the future. I don't have any clue whats going to come.
All I do know is that I am going to follow Pres. Monson's advice in the last General Priesthood meeting, granted, he was talking about getting married but like I think I've said before it applies to all aspects of life. Rather than "finding the right person we need to BE the right person. or in this case rather than thinking of what to do in the future.. I need to become the right person now rather than later.. I know that probably doesn't make a whole lot of sense to you but. It makes sense to me and I know that that is the advice or counsel that I need to follow at this time in my life.
Speaking of which I am very excited for General Conference coming up in the somewhat near future. I am so excited to hear from the spokesmen of God on the earth today. It always brings more guidance and direction to my life than a lot of other things. It'll be good
I am very excited about you going and being able to experience seeing the Hills be sealed. That's really exciting. You'll have to give her a hug for me because every time I went over there she was always upset that she wasn't able to hug Elder Englund and I. So you'll have to do that for me. Ya know?
Well, I can't think of anything else to tell you.
Hopefully next week I'll have more news for you and be able to inform you on more things.
Thank you so very much for everything that you do and all your prayers. I love you so very much.
Your son and brother,
-Elder Cameron Landon
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Elder Landon with one of his districts.

July 25
Things here have been pretty good.
Yes, I am being Transferred to Cederedge. I am leaving on Tuesday Morning at about noon. I am excited about not being a Zone Leader anymore. But I am a little worried about training a new missionary.
But the missionary that will be my companion is not a Band new missionary. Salt Lake changed things recently on how new missionaries are to be trained. They usually have to stay two transfers with their Greenie, as well as they have an extra hour of study every morning because of the training they get in the MTC. In the MTC they aren't training missionaries on what to teach. Which surprised me... but instead of knowing WHAT to teach they learn more on HOW to teach.. HOW to help their investigators take what they learn and apply it. So they stay with their trainers for two transfers because they need to learn what to teach.
Alright sorry for that interruption.. but I am now at the library. We were at the Mall today for FOUR hours waiting for our car to get its oil changed. They said it'd take about 40 minutes to an hour and it ended up taking four hours.. But what ever.. in that time we walked around the mall and then got into about an hour long "discussion" with these two Born Again Christians. There were four of us though so that was pretty interesting. Elder Tonga was getting angry ... they just didn't agree with anything we'd say about our Religion.. but they are very close to what we believe. Anyways... sorry those thoughts are all jumbled up because I am still a little frustrated over the arguments... But it was funny... because we'd see people walking around the mall who we could tell were members just by looking at them and they were laughing and excited to see us trying.
But to continue about my thoughts on the way new missionaries are being trained now...
So during that extra hour of study everyday.. I will be helping the new missionary learn what to teach. I am pretty excited about it.
And from what I hear I think I am going to LOVE my new area.. they say its up in the mountains and a small town... which is OKAY with me!
I have also asked to, in addition to train Elder Rea (that's his name) be a District Leader.. which is not a problem to me.. that's not HALF as much responsibility as it is to be a Zone Leader. I can handle that.
But one bad thing.. my new area, Cederedge, is a car area. I wanted so badly to go to a walking/biking area to finish my mission.. I've been in a car since I left Grand Junction the first time.
This past week was great. Saturday and Sunday were amazing.. I don't know if it was my excitement over being released that made me more receptive.. but I felt the Spirit more strong those days than in a long... I know I feel it every day but I guess it was more often.. or just more powerfully then than any other time, in the recent past. But on Sat. morning we had a Conference Call with all the Trainers on how to most effectively help our new missionaries become great elders and powerful missionaries.. but it starts with us... Each calling in the Church is, obviously from the Lord, but it is a call to repent... to change.. to become better... and I am very excited for this chance. but during that call we learned about how Peter in the New Testament truly became not only a man with a testimony but a true disciple of Christ. It was great. Peter was amazing. I LOVE learning about him..
Then on Sat. night I had my last Coordination meeting with our Ward Mission Leader (pic attached Pic #2) and he asked me to say the closing prayer, so I did. And once I finished my prayer he said... "Now, its my turn." and he continues to pray.. pray for me. I have never in these past... 20 months had someone pray for me like that while I was there. I started crying because I thought... if this man, who I've only known for the past few months really feels this way towards me.. how much more does my Savior and My Father in Heaven love me. It was amazing.
Brother Kammer (the WML) is great. together we've made a LOT of progress in the GJ 9th Ward. when I first got here the relationship of the ward and the missionaries wasn't great. And the Ward Council.. just expected us to do everything.. But we talked about the best way we could change that. And we did it... the Ward Council didn't even want to doing anything with the Ward Mission Process.. and now, after its come slowly we have 10/15 people selected and the assignments to invite them have been issued. I am so excited.. its been like pulling teeth. I am so excited for the work that'll soon progress greatly in this ward.. I am only sad that I won't be there to experience and taste those fruits. But on the plus side... that's what President Maynes told me.. he said that's one of the reasons I was made a Zone Leader... to help the relationship of the wards and the missionaries.. and get the work rolling. So I'm okay with that.. I was truly a compliment.. I don't feel like I did much.
But also, on Sun. there is a lady that we are teaching that is great but she just wouldn't come to church because her husband wouldn't come, he didn't want much of anything to do with religion.. super nice guy but just wasn't interested. Anyways I told her I was leaving and I'd like to see her come before I go... She's been taught for YEARS... she's very close friends with the Bishop and his wife, Bishop and Sister Wells, and she lives right across the street from them. She's been to activities before and sacrament meeting once..when she was a small girl, with some relative. But we are at church and in walks Kim. She was wearing jeans and a sleeve-less shirt but she said it was the best she had. Which is what we should wear to church. And as I said "You made it! I am so excited!" she replied "I'm only here for you." Which was fine with me! HAHA! It got her to church! She really enjoyed the talks.. and after the meeting she wanted to say hi to Sister Wells, who plays the organ. And later that night Sister Wells told us at dinner that, Kim said she really felt the Spirit and that she just felt like crying..
But she also said that "I feel a little weird not being in a dress even though I don't like wearing them.. Everyone else is wearing one but me." Sister Wells...said "Well we need to go shopping then." Kim replied "Not just yet... soon."
The Spirit testified to her that in church with people who care about her is where she needs to be! Its on her mind. She's thinking about it..! that's great! I am so excited.
Also on Sun. was a great talk in sacrament meeting about the Atonement and applying it in our lives.. and one of the Hymns.. (which I've probably sung a hundred times) really touched me. Hymn No. 171(I think) With Humble Heart. the fourth verse really touched me.
so I wrote the words down.
And then in Elder's Quorum, the lesson was on Elder Oaks talk from Conference on Desire. And the story of the man, in Southern Utah who had his arm trapped under a boulder had to cut it off... He said he saw him with a little boy.. and the motivation of seeing his unborn son helped him work for his life.
And the quote I loved from that talk was "When we have a vision of what WE CAN BECOME, our desire and our power to act increase enormously."
I love it! Its so true!
I love feeling the Spirit.. that's motivation enough for me to keep going strong and repent when I make a mistake! The Gospel is TRUE! and ITS AGAIN on the earth!! Our Father in Heaven DOES LOVE US!
It was a great weekend... I just hope I don't let the "Born Agains" ruin those feelings I have. And I know they won't.
So tonight I will be packing.. joy... (not excited) but it happens. ONLY TWO MORE TIMES!! (maybe... who knows...) just a guess.. I think Cederedge is my last area.
Well, I can't think of much else to say.. thanks for everything the prayers, love, support, sacrifices you've all made for me to be here, and just everything.
I wish I could tell you how much you all mean to me but... I can't.. I love you and miss you.
Moroni 8:3.
Much love,
Your son and brother,
-Elder Cameron Landon
August 2
Dear Family,
I did get your letter and your SD card with the pictures. I loved them.. I really miss being at the Family Reunions.. its looks like you all had fun.
I read that snail mail..letter. I can understand why you had an emotional week. I was pretty shocked and thankful when I read it too. I am very grateful for that little one. It is events like that, that I think happen so the Lord reminds us to be thankful for everything we have.. ESPECIALLY our family. I guess... you could say I am lucky enough to be here in Cedaredge where there are a lot of peach, apple, pear, and cherry orchards... as well as corn fields. And as such there are a lot of little crop dusting planes that fly over all the time... so its a reminder of what I have and those I love.
Cedaredge is just great little farming/fruit & vegi growing town.. its like if you took Ririe and combined it with Island Park.. strange I know but you know how Ririe has the small town farm feeling and in Island Park you feel like you're in the mountains... well that's what it feels like here. It doesn't have as many trees as Island Park does however.. but still pretty. The ward here is great.. the Ward Mission Leader is a great guy. I really like it. There is a lot of work to do here.. so I am happy.
Before I forget.. the Library here in Cedaredge is always closed on Mondays so I will for the most part be emailing on Tuesdays... (like today) but on P-Days we go to Delta, a bigger city, to do most of our shopping and might email there on Mondays... so just never know when to expect a letter from me.
Also my address is:
21185 Lanning Rd.
Austin, CO 81410
Teaching a new missionary is a lot different than being a Zone Leader. Being a Zone Leader you have a companion who knows what to do... and since I was one for such a long time.. I relied on him, who ever he may have been, to do a lot of the teaching... now I am doing most of the teaching and most of the talking but its not a bad thing.. I really have been relying on the Lord a lot to help me know what I need to do. I think it'll all be alright
Elder Rea (Ray) is from Mount Angel, Oregon (near Salem). He is a good kid with a good heart and a desire to work. He is a little awkward.. .and kinda socially.. shy? But not necessarily shy but just doesn't know how to act exactly around certain people... I don't know how to explain him.
But do you remember Kyle Madsen? He reminds me a LOT of him.. I guess that it is the best way I can describe him. A good kid.
Things have been going pretty good. I didn't really want to tell you because I didn't want to worry you but I am doing a lot better now.
I'd been having a consistent headache for about two weeks now.. since two Sundays ago. Some days it was really bad and I didn't go out and work for several hours and others it was there but bearable. So I would go out and work..
The thing that concerned me was that the Acetaminophen and Excedrin Migraine, wasn't working, or doing anything for them. So I called President and Sister Maynes and they said drink a lot of water and rest when you need to.
But this past weekend I couldn't take it anymore.. I called them to see if I could go to the doctor. And I did yesterday... He gave me some pills and said that he's not sure why the things I normally took weren't working but prescribed something to me. I took it and the bottle said take every 4 hours.. so four hours later I took another one and was loopy... I've never felt like that before.. then I was super tired so I went to bed at 7:30 and slept until 6:30, granted I got up a few times to go to the bathroom and get a drink. I think part of it was just my body trying to get more rest.. apparently our bodies need that.. I slept almost 11 hours. I was OUT.
But the next morning Elder Rea showed me the bottle and it really said take every 4 hours AS NEEDED. So I didn't need to take it four hours after the first time I took it unless I needed it.. That it why I was tired...I called the doctor and asked him and he said if I didn't need it that thats what it would have done.. So I learned from that mistake.
Today I don't have a tremendous headache anymore.. He also said it'd take several days until it went away completely.. so I am on the right track.
So don't worry I am fine. And am doing better.
But things have been going pretty good. I am excited for this area.. there are a lot of things going on, and a lot to be done. I think I probably walked into about 2-3 baptisms.. but I am hoping to have several more before I go home.
I can't believe only 4 more months. Definitely a bitter sweet kinda thing.
But I did hear some REALLY exciting news.
Remember Trent and Karie Hill, in GJ 6th Ward? Well.. how they couldn't have children before Elder Englund and I starting teaching Trent? Then after several lessons..they found out she was expecting. Well he did get baptized last Sept... I am pretty sure I told you this. But he received the Melchezidek Priesthood and the same day blessed his baby boy Ryder. AWESOME!
But right before I left Junction, this time, I went by to say goodbye. They gave me some GREAT news. They are going to Salt Lake to be sealed on Sept 23. Its too bad that I won't be able to be there! But I am still extremely happy for them. But they also gave me a picture of their family: the two of them and their little boy in their church clothes. On the picture it said :
"Ties: $15, Hairspray: $10, Snacks to keep quiet during church: $5, Knowing there are FOUR people in this picture: PRICELESS"
She then told me that she's expecting again. She's due in Feb. The Gospel really blesses families! It blesses those that have them and those that can't and want them.
Pretty exciting.
That makes me even more excited to finally meet my new niece of nephew... and cousins (because I still haven't met Nicole's baby, Houston? yet). And Bethany's baby.
There will be a lot of new additions to our family when I get! I can't wait to meet them.
But that is all that I can think of at this time.
I love you all very much and can't wait to see you all!
Please take care.
Love your son and brother,
-Elder Cameron Landon
July 25
Things here have been pretty good.
Yes, I am being Transferred to Cederedge. I am leaving on Tuesday Morning at about noon. I am excited about not being a Zone Leader anymore. But I am a little worried about training a new missionary.
But the missionary that will be my companion is not a Band new missionary. Salt Lake changed things recently on how new missionaries are to be trained. They usually have to stay two transfers with their Greenie, as well as they have an extra hour of study every morning because of the training they get in the MTC. In the MTC they aren't training missionaries on what to teach. Which surprised me... but instead of knowing WHAT to teach they learn more on HOW to teach.. HOW to help their investigators take what they learn and apply it. So they stay with their trainers for two transfers because they need to learn what to teach.
Alright sorry for that interruption.. but I am now at the library. We were at the Mall today for FOUR hours waiting for our car to get its oil changed. They said it'd take about 40 minutes to an hour and it ended up taking four hours.. But what ever.. in that time we walked around the mall and then got into about an hour long "discussion" with these two Born Again Christians. There were four of us though so that was pretty interesting. Elder Tonga was getting angry ... they just didn't agree with anything we'd say about our Religion.. but they are very close to what we believe. Anyways... sorry those thoughts are all jumbled up because I am still a little frustrated over the arguments... But it was funny... because we'd see people walking around the mall who we could tell were members just by looking at them and they were laughing and excited to see us trying.
But to continue about my thoughts on the way new missionaries are being trained now...
So during that extra hour of study everyday.. I will be helping the new missionary learn what to teach. I am pretty excited about it.
And from what I hear I think I am going to LOVE my new area.. they say its up in the mountains and a small town... which is OKAY with me!
I have also asked to, in addition to train Elder Rea (that's his name) be a District Leader.. which is not a problem to me.. that's not HALF as much responsibility as it is to be a Zone Leader. I can handle that.
But one bad thing.. my new area, Cederedge, is a car area. I wanted so badly to go to a walking/biking area to finish my mission.. I've been in a car since I left Grand Junction the first time.
This past week was great. Saturday and Sunday were amazing.. I don't know if it was my excitement over being released that made me more receptive.. but I felt the Spirit more strong those days than in a long... I know I feel it every day but I guess it was more often.. or just more powerfully then than any other time, in the recent past. But on Sat. morning we had a Conference Call with all the Trainers on how to most effectively help our new missionaries become great elders and powerful missionaries.. but it starts with us... Each calling in the Church is, obviously from the Lord, but it is a call to repent... to change.. to become better... and I am very excited for this chance. but during that call we learned about how Peter in the New Testament truly became not only a man with a testimony but a true disciple of Christ. It was great. Peter was amazing. I LOVE learning about him..
Then on Sat. night I had my last Coordination meeting with our Ward Mission Leader (pic attached Pic #2) and he asked me to say the closing prayer, so I did. And once I finished my prayer he said... "Now, its my turn." and he continues to pray.. pray for me. I have never in these past... 20 months had someone pray for me like that while I was there. I started crying because I thought... if this man, who I've only known for the past few months really feels this way towards me.. how much more does my Savior and My Father in Heaven love me. It was amazing.
Brother Kammer (the WML) is great. together we've made a LOT of progress in the GJ 9th Ward. when I first got here the relationship of the ward and the missionaries wasn't great. And the Ward Council.. just expected us to do everything.. But we talked about the best way we could change that. And we did it... the Ward Council didn't even want to doing anything with the Ward Mission Process.. and now, after its come slowly we have 10/15 people selected and the assignments to invite them have been issued. I am so excited.. its been like pulling teeth. I am so excited for the work that'll soon progress greatly in this ward.. I am only sad that I won't be there to experience and taste those fruits. But on the plus side... that's what President Maynes told me.. he said that's one of the reasons I was made a Zone Leader... to help the relationship of the wards and the missionaries.. and get the work rolling. So I'm okay with that.. I was truly a compliment.. I don't feel like I did much.
But also, on Sun. there is a lady that we are teaching that is great but she just wouldn't come to church because her husband wouldn't come, he didn't want much of anything to do with religion.. super nice guy but just wasn't interested. Anyways I told her I was leaving and I'd like to see her come before I go... She's been taught for YEARS... she's very close friends with the Bishop and his wife, Bishop and Sister Wells, and she lives right across the street from them. She's been to activities before and sacrament meeting once..when she was a small girl, with some relative. But we are at church and in walks Kim. She was wearing jeans and a sleeve-less shirt but she said it was the best she had. Which is what we should wear to church. And as I said "You made it! I am so excited!" she replied "I'm only here for you." Which was fine with me! HAHA! It got her to church! She really enjoyed the talks.. and after the meeting she wanted to say hi to Sister Wells, who plays the organ. And later that night Sister Wells told us at dinner that, Kim said she really felt the Spirit and that she just felt like crying..
But she also said that "I feel a little weird not being in a dress even though I don't like wearing them.. Everyone else is wearing one but me." Sister Wells...said "Well we need to go shopping then." Kim replied "Not just yet... soon."
The Spirit testified to her that in church with people who care about her is where she needs to be! Its on her mind. She's thinking about it..! that's great! I am so excited.
Also on Sun. was a great talk in sacrament meeting about the Atonement and applying it in our lives.. and one of the Hymns.. (which I've probably sung a hundred times) really touched me. Hymn No. 171(I think) With Humble Heart. the fourth verse really touched me.
so I wrote the words down.
And then in Elder's Quorum, the lesson was on Elder Oaks talk from Conference on Desire. And the story of the man, in Southern Utah who had his arm trapped under a boulder had to cut it off... He said he saw him with a little boy.. and the motivation of seeing his unborn son helped him work for his life.
And the quote I loved from that talk was "When we have a vision of what WE CAN BECOME, our desire and our power to act increase enormously."
I love it! Its so true!
I love feeling the Spirit.. that's motivation enough for me to keep going strong and repent when I make a mistake! The Gospel is TRUE! and ITS AGAIN on the earth!! Our Father in Heaven DOES LOVE US!
It was a great weekend... I just hope I don't let the "Born Agains" ruin those feelings I have. And I know they won't.
So tonight I will be packing.. joy... (not excited) but it happens. ONLY TWO MORE TIMES!! (maybe... who knows...) just a guess.. I think Cederedge is my last area.
Well, I can't think of much else to say.. thanks for everything the prayers, love, support, sacrifices you've all made for me to be here, and just everything.
I wish I could tell you how much you all mean to me but... I can't.. I love you and miss you.
Moroni 8:3.
Much love,
Your son and brother,
-Elder Cameron Landon
August 2
Dear Family,
I did get your letter and your SD card with the pictures. I loved them.. I really miss being at the Family Reunions.. its looks like you all had fun.
I read that snail mail..letter. I can understand why you had an emotional week. I was pretty shocked and thankful when I read it too. I am very grateful for that little one. It is events like that, that I think happen so the Lord reminds us to be thankful for everything we have.. ESPECIALLY our family. I guess... you could say I am lucky enough to be here in Cedaredge where there are a lot of peach, apple, pear, and cherry orchards... as well as corn fields. And as such there are a lot of little crop dusting planes that fly over all the time... so its a reminder of what I have and those I love.
Cedaredge is just great little farming/fruit & vegi growing town.. its like if you took Ririe and combined it with Island Park.. strange I know but you know how Ririe has the small town farm feeling and in Island Park you feel like you're in the mountains... well that's what it feels like here. It doesn't have as many trees as Island Park does however.. but still pretty. The ward here is great.. the Ward Mission Leader is a great guy. I really like it. There is a lot of work to do here.. so I am happy.
Before I forget.. the Library here in Cedaredge is always closed on Mondays so I will for the most part be emailing on Tuesdays... (like today) but on P-Days we go to Delta, a bigger city, to do most of our shopping and might email there on Mondays... so just never know when to expect a letter from me.
Also my address is:
21185 Lanning Rd.
Austin, CO 81410
Teaching a new missionary is a lot different than being a Zone Leader. Being a Zone Leader you have a companion who knows what to do... and since I was one for such a long time.. I relied on him, who ever he may have been, to do a lot of the teaching... now I am doing most of the teaching and most of the talking but its not a bad thing.. I really have been relying on the Lord a lot to help me know what I need to do. I think it'll all be alright
Elder Rea (Ray) is from Mount Angel, Oregon (near Salem). He is a good kid with a good heart and a desire to work. He is a little awkward.. .and kinda socially.. shy? But not necessarily shy but just doesn't know how to act exactly around certain people... I don't know how to explain him.
But do you remember Kyle Madsen? He reminds me a LOT of him.. I guess that it is the best way I can describe him. A good kid.
Things have been going pretty good. I didn't really want to tell you because I didn't want to worry you but I am doing a lot better now.
I'd been having a consistent headache for about two weeks now.. since two Sundays ago. Some days it was really bad and I didn't go out and work for several hours and others it was there but bearable. So I would go out and work..
The thing that concerned me was that the Acetaminophen and Excedrin Migraine, wasn't working, or doing anything for them. So I called President and Sister Maynes and they said drink a lot of water and rest when you need to.
But this past weekend I couldn't take it anymore.. I called them to see if I could go to the doctor. And I did yesterday... He gave me some pills and said that he's not sure why the things I normally took weren't working but prescribed something to me. I took it and the bottle said take every 4 hours.. so four hours later I took another one and was loopy... I've never felt like that before.. then I was super tired so I went to bed at 7:30 and slept until 6:30, granted I got up a few times to go to the bathroom and get a drink. I think part of it was just my body trying to get more rest.. apparently our bodies need that.. I slept almost 11 hours. I was OUT.
But the next morning Elder Rea showed me the bottle and it really said take every 4 hours AS NEEDED. So I didn't need to take it four hours after the first time I took it unless I needed it.. That it why I was tired...I called the doctor and asked him and he said if I didn't need it that thats what it would have done.. So I learned from that mistake.
Today I don't have a tremendous headache anymore.. He also said it'd take several days until it went away completely.. so I am on the right track.
So don't worry I am fine. And am doing better.
But things have been going pretty good. I am excited for this area.. there are a lot of things going on, and a lot to be done. I think I probably walked into about 2-3 baptisms.. but I am hoping to have several more before I go home.
I can't believe only 4 more months. Definitely a bitter sweet kinda thing.
But I did hear some REALLY exciting news.
Remember Trent and Karie Hill, in GJ 6th Ward? Well.. how they couldn't have children before Elder Englund and I starting teaching Trent? Then after several lessons..they found out she was expecting. Well he did get baptized last Sept... I am pretty sure I told you this. But he received the Melchezidek Priesthood and the same day blessed his baby boy Ryder. AWESOME!
But right before I left Junction, this time, I went by to say goodbye. They gave me some GREAT news. They are going to Salt Lake to be sealed on Sept 23. Its too bad that I won't be able to be there! But I am still extremely happy for them. But they also gave me a picture of their family: the two of them and their little boy in their church clothes. On the picture it said :
"Ties: $15, Hairspray: $10, Snacks to keep quiet during church: $5, Knowing there are FOUR people in this picture: PRICELESS"
She then told me that she's expecting again. She's due in Feb. The Gospel really blesses families! It blesses those that have them and those that can't and want them.
Pretty exciting.
That makes me even more excited to finally meet my new niece of nephew... and cousins (because I still haven't met Nicole's baby, Houston? yet). And Bethany's baby.
There will be a lot of new additions to our family when I get! I can't wait to meet them.
But that is all that I can think of at this time.
I love you all very much and can't wait to see you all!
Please take care.
Love your son and brother,
-Elder Cameron Landon
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
July 18, 2011
It sounds like you've had a really busy weekend. Those reunions sound like a good time. I'm sorry dad that you've been sick.. that really stinks.. I hate being sick especially as a missionary.. because you feel so useless.. and like you're wasting precious time.
I've haven't been feeling completely up to par lately... but I've been trucking through it.. and I KNOW that because I went out and worked even though I wasn't feeling good... the Lord blessed us with us reaching our goals for the week..
I honestly didn't think we'd be able to meet those goals but we made them because we went out and worked when neither of us felt the best and even when it was RIDICULOUSLY hot outside...
So yes we are teaching a few of those new potentials.. that we ran into this past week.. one is a part member family. The only problem with teaching them is that... the nonmember wife.. talks more than ANYONE ON THE FACE OF THE EARTH!! I left there so frustrated because she would go off on tangents that were... honestly stupid..
At the end of the lesson I asked her to pray right there in front of us and to ask God in her pray if what we've taught her was true.. and she went off for TWENTY minutes about how she met her first husbands mistress after knowing who she was while at a gas station were she was working selling samples to a new candy bar.. and how she knows that the Lord was involved with them meeting each other... I told her that that was wonderful that she was able to overcome any angry feelings towards the other woman but what important was that she asked God if what we taught about Joseph Smith and God calling Prophets again on the earth and the Book of Mormon was true.. .
it was a LONG lesson.
So yeah.. things have been going pretty good... strange but good.
We've started teaching more people, which is good because after Anselmo's Baptism we're down one person to prepare for baptism.
The baptism went GREAT by the way.. it was one of the best baptisms of my mission.. the Spirit was very strong and the ward was very involved.
One of the speakers was from the Spanish Speaking Branch here because Anselmo's mother doesn't speak much English.. Even though I didn't understand what was being said, I felt the Spirit. It was amazing.
This is a picture of Anselmo and his baptism.. He's pretty good sized for being 14, huh?

This is a picture of Kris Taylor and his family at his baptism.

I cannot believe that today is my mark of 20 months as a missionary.
It has really flown by... I don't want to waste any of the time I've got left. I am loving it even though its the hardest thing I've ever done... I love it. and I'm loving the person I've become.
Thank you for all your love support and prayers. they help a lot.
It sounds like you've had a really busy weekend. Those reunions sound like a good time. I'm sorry dad that you've been sick.. that really stinks.. I hate being sick especially as a missionary.. because you feel so useless.. and like you're wasting precious time.
I've haven't been feeling completely up to par lately... but I've been trucking through it.. and I KNOW that because I went out and worked even though I wasn't feeling good... the Lord blessed us with us reaching our goals for the week..
I honestly didn't think we'd be able to meet those goals but we made them because we went out and worked when neither of us felt the best and even when it was RIDICULOUSLY hot outside...
So yes we are teaching a few of those new potentials.. that we ran into this past week.. one is a part member family. The only problem with teaching them is that... the nonmember wife.. talks more than ANYONE ON THE FACE OF THE EARTH!! I left there so frustrated because she would go off on tangents that were... honestly stupid..
At the end of the lesson I asked her to pray right there in front of us and to ask God in her pray if what we've taught her was true.. and she went off for TWENTY minutes about how she met her first husbands mistress after knowing who she was while at a gas station were she was working selling samples to a new candy bar.. and how she knows that the Lord was involved with them meeting each other... I told her that that was wonderful that she was able to overcome any angry feelings towards the other woman but what important was that she asked God if what we taught about Joseph Smith and God calling Prophets again on the earth and the Book of Mormon was true.. .
it was a LONG lesson.
So yeah.. things have been going pretty good... strange but good.
We've started teaching more people, which is good because after Anselmo's Baptism we're down one person to prepare for baptism.
The baptism went GREAT by the way.. it was one of the best baptisms of my mission.. the Spirit was very strong and the ward was very involved.
One of the speakers was from the Spanish Speaking Branch here because Anselmo's mother doesn't speak much English.. Even though I didn't understand what was being said, I felt the Spirit. It was amazing.
This is a picture of Anselmo and his baptism.. He's pretty good sized for being 14, huh?
This is a picture of Kris Taylor and his family at his baptism.
I cannot believe that today is my mark of 20 months as a missionary.
It has really flown by... I don't want to waste any of the time I've got left. I am loving it even though its the hardest thing I've ever done... I love it. and I'm loving the person I've become.
Thank you for all your love support and prayers. they help a lot.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Jul 11
So yeah things have been going pretty well.. We do have our baptism this weekend on Saturday.. So be thinking about me at 7 o'clock on Saturday night.. we'll be helping another of God's children come closer to Jesus Christ through baptism.. I am very excited.
But things have been going pretty good. We've found a lot of new people to teach so we're trying to get them to continue meeting with us on a regular schedule. I am hoping for the best.
Yeah it is pretty crazy to think about Carson being a Senior.. because I STILL don't feel old enough to be out of high school.
A funny thing happened while in Elder's Quorum yesterday.. I taught the Gospel Principles class and Elder Shawhan taught the EQ lesson... and the lesson he taught was on Eternal Families..
So I've always had the thought that I am going to wait to get married until after I am mostly finished with school and then wait until I am done to have kids.. but I thought it was interesting how every one in the class started talking about not waiting for any of that... So I've really had my opinion changed on it.. granted I am not going to get married as soon as I get home, one reason being I have NO idea who the right person is..., and I am probably not going to have kids right after I get married but we'll see what the Lord has in mind for me... You know I've always been terrified about my future but I know that as I trust in the Lord that He'll help me and that everything will be okay. Sorry ... talking about Carson being a Senior and me not feeling old enough reminded me of that.. .I know it seemed a bit random.. but oh well..
So tonight we are going and staying the night with the Zone Leaders of the Meeker Zone in Rifle, because in the morning we have a Zone Leader Council in Frisco. So we'll see what'll happen there.. I am pretty excited.. even we have to spend a whole day up there and not working.. it'll still be good.. We talk about how the Mission is doing and how it can be better. and what we're gonna do to help.
But things have been going pretty good. I will let you know how the baptism went and I'll send all of those pictures next week.
Thanks for everything you all do for me.
I can truly feel your prayers everyday.
Take Care! I love you all!
Your son and brother,
-Elder Cameron Landon
So yeah things have been going pretty well.. We do have our baptism this weekend on Saturday.. So be thinking about me at 7 o'clock on Saturday night.. we'll be helping another of God's children come closer to Jesus Christ through baptism.. I am very excited.
But things have been going pretty good. We've found a lot of new people to teach so we're trying to get them to continue meeting with us on a regular schedule. I am hoping for the best.
Yeah it is pretty crazy to think about Carson being a Senior.. because I STILL don't feel old enough to be out of high school.
A funny thing happened while in Elder's Quorum yesterday.. I taught the Gospel Principles class and Elder Shawhan taught the EQ lesson... and the lesson he taught was on Eternal Families..
So I've always had the thought that I am going to wait to get married until after I am mostly finished with school and then wait until I am done to have kids.. but I thought it was interesting how every one in the class started talking about not waiting for any of that... So I've really had my opinion changed on it.. granted I am not going to get married as soon as I get home, one reason being I have NO idea who the right person is..., and I am probably not going to have kids right after I get married but we'll see what the Lord has in mind for me... You know I've always been terrified about my future but I know that as I trust in the Lord that He'll help me and that everything will be okay. Sorry ... talking about Carson being a Senior and me not feeling old enough reminded me of that.. .I know it seemed a bit random.. but oh well..
So tonight we are going and staying the night with the Zone Leaders of the Meeker Zone in Rifle, because in the morning we have a Zone Leader Council in Frisco. So we'll see what'll happen there.. I am pretty excited.. even we have to spend a whole day up there and not working.. it'll still be good.. We talk about how the Mission is doing and how it can be better. and what we're gonna do to help.
But things have been going pretty good. I will let you know how the baptism went and I'll send all of those pictures next week.
Thanks for everything you all do for me.
I can truly feel your prayers everyday.
Take Care! I love you all!
Your son and brother,
-Elder Cameron Landon
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
June letters
Dear Family,
So.. things have been going pretty well.. we have two of our investigators that will be baptized as soon as the people they want to baptize them are ready. They are working on the worthiness part now. But its coming along really well..
Last night we met our new High Councilor in the Stake. The new one over Missionary work anyways. He's a really good guy. We had our weekly meeting with him. That's one of the responsibilities of a Zone Leader. We have to meet with the Stake Leaders.
A few days ago (Mon. May 30) I realized that in exactly six months I will be sleeping in my own bed.. that is crazy. I really want to finish these last six months stronger than ever. So I am going to be working harder.
In District Meeting we watched a GREAT talk given at the MTC in Jan. by Elder Holland. It was amazing. It talked all about when the Apostles asked Peter what they do next after the Savior had been crucified. He just went back to his fishing. And Christ asked him Three times "Lovest thou me?" (Elder Holland said that Peter became the greatest apostle because Christ asked him three times in a row, the three being significant to Peter denying Christ three times before the cock crew) He finally said "Then feed my sheep"
He made it the point of .. not going back to the things we used to do.. if we do we haven't really repented.. we haven't become better.. So I am going to try as hard as I can to continue reminding myself of that great question "Lovest thou me?"
It was a great talk and I've got a copy of it.. I am very excited.
This past Sunday Elder Akaka and I taught the Fifth Sunday discussion in church. it was all about how the missionary work is pointless unless there is member involvement. It went really well.. We even had a member from our Mission Presidency come and observe us. He said it was great. So I hope he wasn't just being kind.
We're hoping that they will take what we shared with them and run with it. But we'll see.
I can't think of much else to tell you all, other than I love you very much and miss you all! Please take care!
Moroni 8:3
Your son and brother,
-Elder Cameron Eric Landon
June 6
So things have been going pretty good here. Elder Akaka and I had the best week, working wise, last week. We taught 23 lessons, found three new investigators, and had three investigators and three less-actives at church. It was awesome. We've also been teaching the Gospel Principles and Elder's Quorum Lessons the past couple of weeks. So that's been pretty sweet.
However despite all that... last week was the hardest for me as a Zone Leader. I am just so tired of having to baby sit other missionaries and fix problems that have been going on. A Sister Missionary and I got into a huge argument.. and she's really upset with me because I asked her to stop doing something that she was doing wrong. But things are being worked out.
Transfer calls are already this week. I cannot believe how fast each six week period comes and goes. It still astonishes me how fast two years can go by and yet how much can change in that time. So either we will be getting a call on Friday night or Sunday night. So I'll let you know what happens next week.
I've decided that I really like being in an area longer rather than a short time. I think two transfers is too short and three still not long enough to be in an area. So I am going to ask President Maynes if he could either transfer me now, so I can stay in my last area for four transfers (six months), or keep me here for six months.
I am going to talk to him about that tonight. We are going to Denver today and staying at the Mission Home tonight for a Zone Leader Meeting tomorrow morning. Then we'll be coming back tomorrow evening. I'll talk to him about it there.
I don't know if I told you but a few weeks ago we helped with two moves. One we moved a lady's whole house into a 10x10x15. It was pretty tough to get it all to fit but I was about 8 feet off the ground on top of boxes and other items throwing other things up on top. it was pretty hot and tiring but we got it all to fit. I was so proud of myself.
I've got to go now.. my time is almost up on the computer.. the computers here shut off if when our time limit is up. So that's why my letters have been a bit shorter lately..
But I love you all and miss you very much.
And don't let any Apache Indians (Lamanites) come and attack anyone, in your dreams or for real.
Take care.
Love your son and brother,
-Elder Cameron Landon
June 13
The baptism went really well. It was kinda just thrown together and I was stressing out about it but it turned out really good. Kris was the boy's name. His mom Sherri is a member, in that she was baptized, but the church cannot find her records. They have had a VERY rough life. Kris just turned 9 and so we've been helping him get ready to be baptized for about two months now. The missionaries have been working on this family for a while now. And I know that Kris' decision will really help this family. They're pretty .. dis functional.. but good people.
Elder Plunkett was the one in Craig for a long time with me. He is in Grand Junction 2nd ward and before that he was in the 9th ward so he knew the Taylor family really well.. And Kris asked Elder Plunkett to baptize him. It was a good night.
Transfers are here. I am a little upset about it but... I didn't ask the Mission President like I wanted or said I was going to, because I did already know that the Lord is in charge.. but I did tell him how being a Zone Leader is really stressful, and frustrating for me... and asked how much longer he's got planned to keep me as such. He told me to hang on a little longer.. I still really wanted to be released... but nope.
I am still going to be a Zone Leader and staying here. Elder Akaka is being transferred, but not only transferred, he is also being released after only one transfer here and one transfer as a Zone Leader! Apparently President Maynes needs him to help a struggling missionary out and Elder Akaka is the guy for the job.
So I'm not too happy about it... and from what I've heard my choices of who my new companion will be either it'll be really good or really bad and I won't get along with him at all.. because I've already served around him and I didn't like him at all. So I am a bit worried about tomorrow and finding out who my new companion is. But we'll see.
I also asked President about why he made me a Zone Leader. I told him that Zone Leaders are supposed to be an example and baptize people to be that example. I told him that I've only had one baptism as a Zone Leader and that was after 7 months of being one. He told me that I was made a Zone Leader to be an example of how to take a ward that's struggling and build the relationship between the ward and the missionaries and help the ward's become stronger in Missionary work. He then told me to look at the wards I've been in as a Zone Leader and look at a before and after. So I guess that's why I've been called as a ZL. It made me feel a little bit better but I am still not sure about this next transfer... we'll see.
I love you all very much thanks for everything.
I miss you.
Moroni 8:3
Your son and brother,
-Elder Cameron Landon
June 20
Dear Family,
Well, things have been going alright here. Transfers did happen and my new companion is named Elder Shawhan (pronounced Shawn). He is from San Jose, CA. He is actually a Spanish speaking Elder. He's not Hispanic but he was called to speak Spanish, so its kinda cool serving with him because I am learning a bit of Spanish. And its a bit weird staying in the apartment an hour longer each morning because he does his language study. So during that time I've been catching up on my journal, letters, or getting an extra hour of study. which is fine with me.
We get along alright, he's a great missionary, and obedient, which I have no problem with.. its just.. I don't know I guess its the way he is obedient... like he's trying to do it to get others attention. I don't know.. and that REALLY bothers me. I might be having a hard time with him this transfer, but of course I will try my best.
Elder Tonga, who I served near in Highlands Ranch, is in Grand Junction 6th ward, so he lives with us.. which is cool.. he's a very funny guy. and it helps with a little relief from my companion.
We have a Zone Conference this coming Friday, and President Maynes asked me to give a talk (like in sacrament meeting) in front of all the "Out West" missionaries about: How to exercise Faith while Receiving and Contacting Referrals. So we'll see how it goes. I'll let you know.
I was asked by a member the other day if I've ever taken part of bringing someone to the gospel before my mission.. and I didn't think of anyone until later that day I thought of Calvin Arone, from Lewisville. And when I thought of him, I haven't been able to stop thinking about him for the past few days. I was wondering if you could possibly find him on Facebook.. and if you do get his address for me. I'd really like to write him to see how he's doing. Could you do that for me? I'd appreciate it.
Kris Taylor was Confirmed on Sunday. He asked me if I would do it... which I thought was pretty cool.. It was a neat experience. He's a good kid... REALLY bad ADHD but a good kid.
Well, I'm sorry but I can't think of anything else to talk about.
I love you all very much.
Your son, and brother,
Elder Cameron Landon
June 27
Dear Family,
The past week seemed like forever! But I made it through.
Funny thing about Zone Conference. So last Tues., the Tues. before Zone Conference, The Assistants called me and asked me to sing a song for Zone Conference as well.. So I wasn't only freaking out about speaking at the Conference but singing as well.
So I recruited Elder Tonga, to sing with me.. and asked an Elder Watkins, who is an incredible piano player by the way, to help me out. We sang an arrangement of Hymn No. 98 "I Need Thee Every Hour" it went really well.
My talk on "Exercising Faith when obtaining and contacting referrals" went pretty good as well. I didn't say as much as I thought I would and I didn't have time to share the scripture story I wanted to. The story of Saul in the New Testament and how he become converted.
The Zone Conference we had was good. It was all about Faith. And I've learned a lot more about Faith that I didn't know before. I really had a good time. And I got to see several missionaries that I haven't seen in a long time. Which is always a good time.
Speaking of I absolutely LOVE the stories from the scriptures.. I know I told you a few weeks ago about a new favorite, being the last chapter of John. So I am now adding a new one to that list. I really like the story of Daniel and the Lions Den. There is SO much more to that story than I thought there originally was. Its a good one.
I was so enthralled by finding all these great stories that, that is what I decided to teach this past Sun. in Gospel Principles class. It went pretty good.
We spent the night in Collbran, the town up in the mountains that had the branch that was dissolved, Friday night. I was expecting to stay in the house. but the member we stayed with had a different plan. We stayed outside in his "bunk house".
That was pretty cool it was pretty small.. about the size of Brady's room. (Or what was Brady's room when I left... whose it is now I have no idea. ;) ) It has four bunks and a table a chair and a sink with NO faucet.
Bro. Schowalter says he rents it out to hunters during hunting season.
It felt like camping. Which is something I REALLY REALLY miss doing. I don't blame Carson for wanting to do that for a job maybe next summer. That'd be a blast!
I don't know if I told you this but this past week, we had a lesson with Craig, our investigator and I told him that I want to see him baptized before I leave and his answer to that was he got up and walk to where I was sitting and shook my hand and then gave me a hug. He said he'd do it.. He just needs to quit smoking and we need to teach him the rest of the lessons. I am pretty excited. Craig said that Elder Akaka and I are his favorite missionaries that he's met.
So that's pretty cool.
Well, I love you all and miss you very much.
Please take care!
Until next week!
Your son and brother,
-Elder Cameron Landon
July 5
Dear Family
Well, I hope that everyone's Fourth went well. It was our P-Day so we did the normal stuff..
We shopped, cleaned, and then went and played dodge ball for about two and a half hours before dinner.
President Maynes didn't want us out working after dinner so he said to go in to our apartments after that. So we had a barbecue with a Less-Active family, and then went in to study a little more and to write some letters..
But here is a picture of us at dinner last night. (By the way I found that tie in one of the missionary apartments and nobody claimed it so I took it and wore it just for yesterday) But then I gave it to Elder Tonga so he could remember the country he served in. Haha
But it was neat studying while hearing the fireworks of the neighbors going off... Even though hearing and seeing a few of them made me really miss home.. and being with my family... But I'll live.
I really wanted to go and see a parade but we weren't able to leave our apartments until 10 o'clock, like everyday.. because we study until then. But playing dodge ball was fun, even though I am pretty sore today.
We've had a pretty good week this week.
There is this lady who we knew was less-active and that her ten year old daughter wasn't baptized so Elder Sherman and I stopped by once but no one was there. Then Elder Akaka and I dropped by and we found them home and just asked her if she was interested in having her daughter be baptized... and she said she'd think about it.
Well, two Sundays ago her, her daughter and her grandmother just showed up in church. And we talked to them afterward and they really enjoyed it!
Then this past Saturday we got a call from her asking us to come and teach her and her daughter. She was very nervous because she hasn't been to church since she was 19 and she's in her thirties now. But she realized that she doesn't know a whole lot about the church and didn't know how to go about having her daughter be baptized... but she agreed to it.
So Elder Shawhan and I went by and taught them the message of the Restoration and they really enjoyed it. Its going really well..
We also went to stop by a Potential that Elder Shawhan tracted into about a year ago while he was here in the Spanish Branch.. and it turns out the girl that he talked to was the granddaughter of the people who lived there and has since then moved out but the grandparents are a part member family! So we are now starting to teach them as well..
I think that's pretty exciting.
Lessons with Craig are still going well.
There is also a picture of Kris Taylor's baptism. His mom is the one that called you a few weeks ago while I was sitting right next to her.
Things are going pretty good. I am excited for the work progressing here. Things are coming.. I am excited.
We have a baptism on the 16th... Anselmo Quezada. He's the 14 year old Hispanic boy. He's a great kid. I am excited for him.
I love you all very much and hope everything is going well.
Please give everyone my love.
Take Care!
Your son and brother,
-Elder Cameron Landon
So.. things have been going pretty well.. we have two of our investigators that will be baptized as soon as the people they want to baptize them are ready. They are working on the worthiness part now. But its coming along really well..
Last night we met our new High Councilor in the Stake. The new one over Missionary work anyways. He's a really good guy. We had our weekly meeting with him. That's one of the responsibilities of a Zone Leader. We have to meet with the Stake Leaders.
A few days ago (Mon. May 30) I realized that in exactly six months I will be sleeping in my own bed.. that is crazy. I really want to finish these last six months stronger than ever. So I am going to be working harder.
In District Meeting we watched a GREAT talk given at the MTC in Jan. by Elder Holland. It was amazing. It talked all about when the Apostles asked Peter what they do next after the Savior had been crucified. He just went back to his fishing. And Christ asked him Three times "Lovest thou me?" (Elder Holland said that Peter became the greatest apostle because Christ asked him three times in a row, the three being significant to Peter denying Christ three times before the cock crew) He finally said "Then feed my sheep"
He made it the point of .. not going back to the things we used to do.. if we do we haven't really repented.. we haven't become better.. So I am going to try as hard as I can to continue reminding myself of that great question "Lovest thou me?"
It was a great talk and I've got a copy of it.. I am very excited.
This past Sunday Elder Akaka and I taught the Fifth Sunday discussion in church. it was all about how the missionary work is pointless unless there is member involvement. It went really well.. We even had a member from our Mission Presidency come and observe us. He said it was great. So I hope he wasn't just being kind.
We're hoping that they will take what we shared with them and run with it. But we'll see.
I can't think of much else to tell you all, other than I love you very much and miss you all! Please take care!
Moroni 8:3
Your son and brother,
-Elder Cameron Eric Landon
June 6
So things have been going pretty good here. Elder Akaka and I had the best week, working wise, last week. We taught 23 lessons, found three new investigators, and had three investigators and three less-actives at church. It was awesome. We've also been teaching the Gospel Principles and Elder's Quorum Lessons the past couple of weeks. So that's been pretty sweet.
However despite all that... last week was the hardest for me as a Zone Leader. I am just so tired of having to baby sit other missionaries and fix problems that have been going on. A Sister Missionary and I got into a huge argument.. and she's really upset with me because I asked her to stop doing something that she was doing wrong. But things are being worked out.
Transfer calls are already this week. I cannot believe how fast each six week period comes and goes. It still astonishes me how fast two years can go by and yet how much can change in that time. So either we will be getting a call on Friday night or Sunday night. So I'll let you know what happens next week.
I've decided that I really like being in an area longer rather than a short time. I think two transfers is too short and three still not long enough to be in an area. So I am going to ask President Maynes if he could either transfer me now, so I can stay in my last area for four transfers (six months), or keep me here for six months.
I am going to talk to him about that tonight. We are going to Denver today and staying at the Mission Home tonight for a Zone Leader Meeting tomorrow morning. Then we'll be coming back tomorrow evening. I'll talk to him about it there.
I don't know if I told you but a few weeks ago we helped with two moves. One we moved a lady's whole house into a 10x10x15. It was pretty tough to get it all to fit but I was about 8 feet off the ground on top of boxes and other items throwing other things up on top. it was pretty hot and tiring but we got it all to fit. I was so proud of myself.
I've got to go now.. my time is almost up on the computer.. the computers here shut off if when our time limit is up. So that's why my letters have been a bit shorter lately..
But I love you all and miss you very much.
And don't let any Apache Indians (Lamanites) come and attack anyone, in your dreams or for real.
Take care.
Love your son and brother,
-Elder Cameron Landon
June 13
The baptism went really well. It was kinda just thrown together and I was stressing out about it but it turned out really good. Kris was the boy's name. His mom Sherri is a member, in that she was baptized, but the church cannot find her records. They have had a VERY rough life. Kris just turned 9 and so we've been helping him get ready to be baptized for about two months now. The missionaries have been working on this family for a while now. And I know that Kris' decision will really help this family. They're pretty .. dis functional.. but good people.
Elder Plunkett was the one in Craig for a long time with me. He is in Grand Junction 2nd ward and before that he was in the 9th ward so he knew the Taylor family really well.. And Kris asked Elder Plunkett to baptize him. It was a good night.
Transfers are here. I am a little upset about it but... I didn't ask the Mission President like I wanted or said I was going to, because I did already know that the Lord is in charge.. but I did tell him how being a Zone Leader is really stressful, and frustrating for me... and asked how much longer he's got planned to keep me as such. He told me to hang on a little longer.. I still really wanted to be released... but nope.
I am still going to be a Zone Leader and staying here. Elder Akaka is being transferred, but not only transferred, he is also being released after only one transfer here and one transfer as a Zone Leader! Apparently President Maynes needs him to help a struggling missionary out and Elder Akaka is the guy for the job.
So I'm not too happy about it... and from what I've heard my choices of who my new companion will be either it'll be really good or really bad and I won't get along with him at all.. because I've already served around him and I didn't like him at all. So I am a bit worried about tomorrow and finding out who my new companion is. But we'll see.
I also asked President about why he made me a Zone Leader. I told him that Zone Leaders are supposed to be an example and baptize people to be that example. I told him that I've only had one baptism as a Zone Leader and that was after 7 months of being one. He told me that I was made a Zone Leader to be an example of how to take a ward that's struggling and build the relationship between the ward and the missionaries and help the ward's become stronger in Missionary work. He then told me to look at the wards I've been in as a Zone Leader and look at a before and after. So I guess that's why I've been called as a ZL. It made me feel a little bit better but I am still not sure about this next transfer... we'll see.
I love you all very much thanks for everything.
I miss you.
Moroni 8:3
Your son and brother,
-Elder Cameron Landon
June 20
Dear Family,
Well, things have been going alright here. Transfers did happen and my new companion is named Elder Shawhan (pronounced Shawn). He is from San Jose, CA. He is actually a Spanish speaking Elder. He's not Hispanic but he was called to speak Spanish, so its kinda cool serving with him because I am learning a bit of Spanish. And its a bit weird staying in the apartment an hour longer each morning because he does his language study. So during that time I've been catching up on my journal, letters, or getting an extra hour of study. which is fine with me.
We get along alright, he's a great missionary, and obedient, which I have no problem with.. its just.. I don't know I guess its the way he is obedient... like he's trying to do it to get others attention. I don't know.. and that REALLY bothers me. I might be having a hard time with him this transfer, but of course I will try my best.
Elder Tonga, who I served near in Highlands Ranch, is in Grand Junction 6th ward, so he lives with us.. which is cool.. he's a very funny guy. and it helps with a little relief from my companion.
We have a Zone Conference this coming Friday, and President Maynes asked me to give a talk (like in sacrament meeting) in front of all the "Out West" missionaries about: How to exercise Faith while Receiving and Contacting Referrals. So we'll see how it goes. I'll let you know.
I was asked by a member the other day if I've ever taken part of bringing someone to the gospel before my mission.. and I didn't think of anyone until later that day I thought of Calvin Arone, from Lewisville. And when I thought of him, I haven't been able to stop thinking about him for the past few days. I was wondering if you could possibly find him on Facebook.. and if you do get his address for me. I'd really like to write him to see how he's doing. Could you do that for me? I'd appreciate it.
Kris Taylor was Confirmed on Sunday. He asked me if I would do it... which I thought was pretty cool.. It was a neat experience. He's a good kid... REALLY bad ADHD but a good kid.
Well, I'm sorry but I can't think of anything else to talk about.
I love you all very much.
Your son, and brother,
Elder Cameron Landon
June 27
Dear Family,
The past week seemed like forever! But I made it through.
Funny thing about Zone Conference. So last Tues., the Tues. before Zone Conference, The Assistants called me and asked me to sing a song for Zone Conference as well.. So I wasn't only freaking out about speaking at the Conference but singing as well.
So I recruited Elder Tonga, to sing with me.. and asked an Elder Watkins, who is an incredible piano player by the way, to help me out. We sang an arrangement of Hymn No. 98 "I Need Thee Every Hour" it went really well.
My talk on "Exercising Faith when obtaining and contacting referrals" went pretty good as well. I didn't say as much as I thought I would and I didn't have time to share the scripture story I wanted to. The story of Saul in the New Testament and how he become converted.
The Zone Conference we had was good. It was all about Faith. And I've learned a lot more about Faith that I didn't know before. I really had a good time. And I got to see several missionaries that I haven't seen in a long time. Which is always a good time.
Speaking of I absolutely LOVE the stories from the scriptures.. I know I told you a few weeks ago about a new favorite, being the last chapter of John. So I am now adding a new one to that list. I really like the story of Daniel and the Lions Den. There is SO much more to that story than I thought there originally was. Its a good one.
I was so enthralled by finding all these great stories that, that is what I decided to teach this past Sun. in Gospel Principles class. It went pretty good.
We spent the night in Collbran, the town up in the mountains that had the branch that was dissolved, Friday night. I was expecting to stay in the house. but the member we stayed with had a different plan. We stayed outside in his "bunk house".
That was pretty cool it was pretty small.. about the size of Brady's room. (Or what was Brady's room when I left... whose it is now I have no idea. ;) ) It has four bunks and a table a chair and a sink with NO faucet.
Bro. Schowalter says he rents it out to hunters during hunting season.
It felt like camping. Which is something I REALLY REALLY miss doing. I don't blame Carson for wanting to do that for a job maybe next summer. That'd be a blast!
I don't know if I told you this but this past week, we had a lesson with Craig, our investigator and I told him that I want to see him baptized before I leave and his answer to that was he got up and walk to where I was sitting and shook my hand and then gave me a hug. He said he'd do it.. He just needs to quit smoking and we need to teach him the rest of the lessons. I am pretty excited. Craig said that Elder Akaka and I are his favorite missionaries that he's met.
So that's pretty cool.
Well, I love you all and miss you very much.
Please take care!
Until next week!
Your son and brother,
-Elder Cameron Landon
July 5
Dear Family
Well, I hope that everyone's Fourth went well. It was our P-Day so we did the normal stuff..
We shopped, cleaned, and then went and played dodge ball for about two and a half hours before dinner.
President Maynes didn't want us out working after dinner so he said to go in to our apartments after that. So we had a barbecue with a Less-Active family, and then went in to study a little more and to write some letters..
But here is a picture of us at dinner last night. (By the way I found that tie in one of the missionary apartments and nobody claimed it so I took it and wore it just for yesterday) But then I gave it to Elder Tonga so he could remember the country he served in. Haha
But it was neat studying while hearing the fireworks of the neighbors going off... Even though hearing and seeing a few of them made me really miss home.. and being with my family... But I'll live.
I really wanted to go and see a parade but we weren't able to leave our apartments until 10 o'clock, like everyday.. because we study until then. But playing dodge ball was fun, even though I am pretty sore today.
We've had a pretty good week this week.
There is this lady who we knew was less-active and that her ten year old daughter wasn't baptized so Elder Sherman and I stopped by once but no one was there. Then Elder Akaka and I dropped by and we found them home and just asked her if she was interested in having her daughter be baptized... and she said she'd think about it.
Well, two Sundays ago her, her daughter and her grandmother just showed up in church. And we talked to them afterward and they really enjoyed it!
Then this past Saturday we got a call from her asking us to come and teach her and her daughter. She was very nervous because she hasn't been to church since she was 19 and she's in her thirties now. But she realized that she doesn't know a whole lot about the church and didn't know how to go about having her daughter be baptized... but she agreed to it.
So Elder Shawhan and I went by and taught them the message of the Restoration and they really enjoyed it. Its going really well..
We also went to stop by a Potential that Elder Shawhan tracted into about a year ago while he was here in the Spanish Branch.. and it turns out the girl that he talked to was the granddaughter of the people who lived there and has since then moved out but the grandparents are a part member family! So we are now starting to teach them as well..
I think that's pretty exciting.
Lessons with Craig are still going well.
There is also a picture of Kris Taylor's baptism. His mom is the one that called you a few weeks ago while I was sitting right next to her.
Things are going pretty good. I am excited for the work progressing here. Things are coming.. I am excited.
We have a baptism on the 16th... Anselmo Quezada. He's the 14 year old Hispanic boy. He's a great kid. I am excited for him.
I love you all very much and hope everything is going well.
Please give everyone my love.
Take Care!
Your son and brother,
-Elder Cameron Landon
Sunday, June 19, 2011
May 23 to last weeks letter.
Well, can I just tell you how much I love my family. I about died laughing when I saw and read what you did on the "rapture" day. The librarian came over and asked me to be quiet. It made me laugh. Thank you for that.
My companion and I had an idea of what we could do.. we were going to soak ourselves with rubbing alcohol and then light our selves on fire and run down the street. But we decided against it.
It was funny because on that day we were asked by one of our less-actives to come and teach his fiance because she wants to join the church. And during that lesson we made several jokes and references to the "Rapture". Especially how that man does not know when that day will come. Not even the man on the earth who has the Priesthood authority of God knows when that will be. (Our lesson was on the Restoration and Priesthood authority).
But thanks again for that laugh. It was duly needed.
So things have been going pretty well.. we've got some issues in the Zone that Elder Akaka and I have to try and settle and help people realize what they are doing is wrong.
We've got an Elder, who only has three weeks left of his mission, and a Sister Missionary who are texting each other WAY too much. And we've got to talk to them today about that... So that's a pain in the butt.. but it has to be done.
And then also today, even though its our P-Day we've got to help a Less-active move all of her belongings into a storage unit. So once we're done here that's where we'll be going.
So, even though its our day off we still have to help the work progress.
We had President Maynes and Sister Maynes coem to our Ward Council Meeting yesterday, because the ward just doesn't get the Ward Mission Process. And while he was there the Bishop asked him if he could come and speak to the ward. So Pres. Maynes looked through his schedule and said that the only two Sundays he has open next are either Sept. 24 or Oct. 9. So they set it for the 9th. And I leaned over and said to Pres. Maynes, "You know, President, you are always speaking in the wards that I am serving in AFTER I leave them!" He quick reply really made me laugh. He said "Obviously you aren't in tune with the Spirit Elder. You don't know that you won't be here."
So apparently I am going to be here in Grand Junction 9th ward until Oct. 18 and then go to one area for only a transfer. But I am sure he was kidding.
I love you!
-Elder Cameron Landon
June 1 letter
So, I'm sorry about not sending an email on Mon. or Tues day. Monday of course was Memorial Day and the Libraries were closed and because of that they asked us to email during lunch.. and we had a lunch appointment yesterday so I am emailing today.
we've helped several people already here plant their gardens and some trees and stuff and this morning we mowed the back yard of a part member family. It wasn't too big so it made for a quick job.
So.. things have been going pretty well.. we have two of our investigators that will be baptized as soon as the people they want to baptize them are ready. They are working on the worthiness part now. But its coming along really well..
Last night we met our new High Councilor in the Stake. The new one over Missionary work anyways. He's a really good guy. We had our weekly meeting with him. That's one of the responsibilities of a Zone Leader. We have to meet with the Stake Leaders.
So not much new has happened.
On P day I bought two HUGE space bags and tried them out. In on of them I can fit three suit jackets, six pairs of slacks, a towel and that little pillow I have and there is still quite a bit of room. I am very excited about having those. It'll make packing so much easier.
A few days ago (Mon. May 30) I realized that in exactly six months I will be sleeping in my own bed.. that is crazy. I really want to finish these last six months stronger than ever. So I am going to be working harder.
In District Meeting we watched a GREAT talk given at the MTC in Jan. by Elder Holland. It was amazing. It talked all about when the Apostles asked Peter what they do next after the Savior had been crucified. He just went back to his fishing. And Christ asked him Three times "Lovest thou me?" (Elder Holland said that Peter became the greatest apostle because Christ asked him three times in a row, the three being significant to Peter denying Christ three times before the cock crew) He finally said "Then feed my sheep"
He made it the point of .. not going back to the things we used to do.. if we do we haven't really repented.. we haven't become better.. So I am going to try as hard as I can to continue reminding myself of that great question "Lovest thou me?"
It was a great talk and I've got a copy of it.. I am very excited.
This past Sunday Elder Akaka and I taught the Fifth Sunday discussion in church. it was all about how the missionary work is pointless unless there is member involvement. It went really well.. We even had a member from our Mission Presidency come and observe us. He said it was great. So I hope he wasn't just being kind.
We're hoping that they will take what we shared with them and run with it. But we'll see.
I can't think of much else to tell you all, other than I love you very much and miss you all! Please take care!
Moroni 8:3
Your son and brother,
-Elder Cameron Eric Landon
June 6 letter
So things have been going pretty good here. Elder Akaka and I had the best week, working wise, last week. We taught 23 lessons, found three new investigators, and had three investigators and three less-actives at church. It was awesome. We've also been teaching the Gospel Principles and Elder's Quorum Lessons the past couple of weeks. So that's been pretty sweet.
However despite all that... last week was the hardest for me as a Zone Leader. I am just so tired of having to baby sit other missionaries and fix problems that have been going on. A Sister Missionary and I got into a huge argument.. and she's really upset with me because I asked her to stop doing something that she was doing wrong. But things are being worked out.
Transfer calls are already this week. I cannot believe how fast each six week period comes and goes. It still astonishes me how fast two years can go by and yet how much can change in that time. So either we will be getting a call on Friday night or Sunday night. So I'll let you know what happens next week.
I've decided that I really like being in an area longer rather than a short time. I think two transfers is too short and three still not long enough to be in an area. So I am going to ask President Maynes if he could either transfer me now, so I can stay in my last area for four transfers (six months), or keep me here for six months.
I am going to talk to him about that tonight. We are going to Denver today and staying at the Mission Home tonight for a Zone Leader Meeting tomorrow morning. Then we'll be coming back tomorrow evening. I'll talk to him about it there.
I don't know if I told you but a few weeks ago we helped with two moves. One we moved a lady's whole house into a 10x10x15. It was pretty tough to get it all to fit but I was about 8 feet off the ground on top of boxes and other items throwing other things up on top. it was pretty hot and tiring but we got it all to fit. I was so proud of myself.
I've got to go now.. my time is almost up on the computer.. the computers here shut off if when our time limit is up. So that's why my letters have been a bit shorter lately..
But I love you all and miss you very much.
Take care.
Love your son and brother,
-Elder Cameron Landon
June 13 letter
The baptism went really well. It was kinda just thrown together and I was stressing out about it but it turned out really good. Kris was the boy's name. His mom Sherri is a member, in that she was baptized, but the church cannot find her records. They have had a VERY rough life. Kris just turned 9 and so we've been helping him get ready to be baptized for about two months now. The missionaries have been working on this family for a while now. And I know that Kris' decision will really help this family. They're pretty .. dis functional.. but good people.
Elder Plunkett was the one in Craig for a long time with me. He is in Grand Junction 2nd ward and before that he was in the 9th ward so he knew the Taylor family really well.. And Kris asked Elder Plunkett to baptize him. It was a good night.
Transfers are here. I am a little upset about it but... I didn't ask the Mission President like I wanted or said I was going to, because I did already know that the Lord is in charge.. but I did tell him how being a Zone Leader is really stressful, and frustrating for me... and asked how much longer he's got planned to keep me as such. He told me to hang on a little longer.. I still really wanted to be released... but nope.
I am still going to be a Zone Leader and staying here. Elder Akaka is being transferred, but not only transferred, he is also being released after only one transfer here and one transfer as a Zone Leader! Apparently President Maynes needs him to help a struggling missionary out and Elder Akaka is the guy for the job.
So I'm not too happy about it... and from what I've heard my choices of who my new companion will be either it'll be really good or really bad and I won't get along with him at all.. because I've already served around him and I didn't like him at all. So I am a bit worried about tomorrow and finding out who my new companion is. But we'll see.
I also asked President about why he made me a Zone Leader. I told him that Zone Leaders are supposed to be an example and baptize people to be that example. I told him that I've only had one baptism as a Zone Leader and that was after 7 months of being one. He told me that I was made a Zone Leader to be an example of how to take a ward that's struggling and build the relationship between the ward and the missionaries and help the ward's become stronger in Missionary work. He then told me to look at the wards I've been in as a Zone Leader and look at a before and after. So I guess that's why I've been called as a ZL. It made me feel a little bit better but I am still not sure about this next transfer... we'll see.
I love you all very much thanks for everything.
I miss you.
Moroni 8:3
Your son and brother,
-Elder Cameron Landon
Well, can I just tell you how much I love my family. I about died laughing when I saw and read what you did on the "rapture" day. The librarian came over and asked me to be quiet. It made me laugh. Thank you for that.
My companion and I had an idea of what we could do.. we were going to soak ourselves with rubbing alcohol and then light our selves on fire and run down the street. But we decided against it.
It was funny because on that day we were asked by one of our less-actives to come and teach his fiance because she wants to join the church. And during that lesson we made several jokes and references to the "Rapture". Especially how that man does not know when that day will come. Not even the man on the earth who has the Priesthood authority of God knows when that will be. (Our lesson was on the Restoration and Priesthood authority).
But thanks again for that laugh. It was duly needed.
So things have been going pretty well.. we've got some issues in the Zone that Elder Akaka and I have to try and settle and help people realize what they are doing is wrong.
We've got an Elder, who only has three weeks left of his mission, and a Sister Missionary who are texting each other WAY too much. And we've got to talk to them today about that... So that's a pain in the butt.. but it has to be done.
And then also today, even though its our P-Day we've got to help a Less-active move all of her belongings into a storage unit. So once we're done here that's where we'll be going.
So, even though its our day off we still have to help the work progress.
We had President Maynes and Sister Maynes coem to our Ward Council Meeting yesterday, because the ward just doesn't get the Ward Mission Process. And while he was there the Bishop asked him if he could come and speak to the ward. So Pres. Maynes looked through his schedule and said that the only two Sundays he has open next are either Sept. 24 or Oct. 9. So they set it for the 9th. And I leaned over and said to Pres. Maynes, "You know, President, you are always speaking in the wards that I am serving in AFTER I leave them!" He quick reply really made me laugh. He said "Obviously you aren't in tune with the Spirit Elder. You don't know that you won't be here."
So apparently I am going to be here in Grand Junction 9th ward until Oct. 18 and then go to one area for only a transfer. But I am sure he was kidding.
I love you!
-Elder Cameron Landon
June 1 letter
So, I'm sorry about not sending an email on Mon. or Tues day. Monday of course was Memorial Day and the Libraries were closed and because of that they asked us to email during lunch.. and we had a lunch appointment yesterday so I am emailing today.
we've helped several people already here plant their gardens and some trees and stuff and this morning we mowed the back yard of a part member family. It wasn't too big so it made for a quick job.
So.. things have been going pretty well.. we have two of our investigators that will be baptized as soon as the people they want to baptize them are ready. They are working on the worthiness part now. But its coming along really well..
Last night we met our new High Councilor in the Stake. The new one over Missionary work anyways. He's a really good guy. We had our weekly meeting with him. That's one of the responsibilities of a Zone Leader. We have to meet with the Stake Leaders.
So not much new has happened.
On P day I bought two HUGE space bags and tried them out. In on of them I can fit three suit jackets, six pairs of slacks, a towel and that little pillow I have and there is still quite a bit of room. I am very excited about having those. It'll make packing so much easier.
A few days ago (Mon. May 30) I realized that in exactly six months I will be sleeping in my own bed.. that is crazy. I really want to finish these last six months stronger than ever. So I am going to be working harder.
In District Meeting we watched a GREAT talk given at the MTC in Jan. by Elder Holland. It was amazing. It talked all about when the Apostles asked Peter what they do next after the Savior had been crucified. He just went back to his fishing. And Christ asked him Three times "Lovest thou me?" (Elder Holland said that Peter became the greatest apostle because Christ asked him three times in a row, the three being significant to Peter denying Christ three times before the cock crew) He finally said "Then feed my sheep"
He made it the point of .. not going back to the things we used to do.. if we do we haven't really repented.. we haven't become better.. So I am going to try as hard as I can to continue reminding myself of that great question "Lovest thou me?"
It was a great talk and I've got a copy of it.. I am very excited.
This past Sunday Elder Akaka and I taught the Fifth Sunday discussion in church. it was all about how the missionary work is pointless unless there is member involvement. It went really well.. We even had a member from our Mission Presidency come and observe us. He said it was great. So I hope he wasn't just being kind.
We're hoping that they will take what we shared with them and run with it. But we'll see.
I can't think of much else to tell you all, other than I love you very much and miss you all! Please take care!
Moroni 8:3
Your son and brother,
-Elder Cameron Eric Landon
June 6 letter
So things have been going pretty good here. Elder Akaka and I had the best week, working wise, last week. We taught 23 lessons, found three new investigators, and had three investigators and three less-actives at church. It was awesome. We've also been teaching the Gospel Principles and Elder's Quorum Lessons the past couple of weeks. So that's been pretty sweet.
However despite all that... last week was the hardest for me as a Zone Leader. I am just so tired of having to baby sit other missionaries and fix problems that have been going on. A Sister Missionary and I got into a huge argument.. and she's really upset with me because I asked her to stop doing something that she was doing wrong. But things are being worked out.
Transfer calls are already this week. I cannot believe how fast each six week period comes and goes. It still astonishes me how fast two years can go by and yet how much can change in that time. So either we will be getting a call on Friday night or Sunday night. So I'll let you know what happens next week.
I've decided that I really like being in an area longer rather than a short time. I think two transfers is too short and three still not long enough to be in an area. So I am going to ask President Maynes if he could either transfer me now, so I can stay in my last area for four transfers (six months), or keep me here for six months.
I am going to talk to him about that tonight. We are going to Denver today and staying at the Mission Home tonight for a Zone Leader Meeting tomorrow morning. Then we'll be coming back tomorrow evening. I'll talk to him about it there.
I don't know if I told you but a few weeks ago we helped with two moves. One we moved a lady's whole house into a 10x10x15. It was pretty tough to get it all to fit but I was about 8 feet off the ground on top of boxes and other items throwing other things up on top. it was pretty hot and tiring but we got it all to fit. I was so proud of myself.
I've got to go now.. my time is almost up on the computer.. the computers here shut off if when our time limit is up. So that's why my letters have been a bit shorter lately..
But I love you all and miss you very much.
Take care.
Love your son and brother,
-Elder Cameron Landon
June 13 letter
The baptism went really well. It was kinda just thrown together and I was stressing out about it but it turned out really good. Kris was the boy's name. His mom Sherri is a member, in that she was baptized, but the church cannot find her records. They have had a VERY rough life. Kris just turned 9 and so we've been helping him get ready to be baptized for about two months now. The missionaries have been working on this family for a while now. And I know that Kris' decision will really help this family. They're pretty .. dis functional.. but good people.
Elder Plunkett was the one in Craig for a long time with me. He is in Grand Junction 2nd ward and before that he was in the 9th ward so he knew the Taylor family really well.. And Kris asked Elder Plunkett to baptize him. It was a good night.
Transfers are here. I am a little upset about it but... I didn't ask the Mission President like I wanted or said I was going to, because I did already know that the Lord is in charge.. but I did tell him how being a Zone Leader is really stressful, and frustrating for me... and asked how much longer he's got planned to keep me as such. He told me to hang on a little longer.. I still really wanted to be released... but nope.
I am still going to be a Zone Leader and staying here. Elder Akaka is being transferred, but not only transferred, he is also being released after only one transfer here and one transfer as a Zone Leader! Apparently President Maynes needs him to help a struggling missionary out and Elder Akaka is the guy for the job.
So I'm not too happy about it... and from what I've heard my choices of who my new companion will be either it'll be really good or really bad and I won't get along with him at all.. because I've already served around him and I didn't like him at all. So I am a bit worried about tomorrow and finding out who my new companion is. But we'll see.
I also asked President about why he made me a Zone Leader. I told him that Zone Leaders are supposed to be an example and baptize people to be that example. I told him that I've only had one baptism as a Zone Leader and that was after 7 months of being one. He told me that I was made a Zone Leader to be an example of how to take a ward that's struggling and build the relationship between the ward and the missionaries and help the ward's become stronger in Missionary work. He then told me to look at the wards I've been in as a Zone Leader and look at a before and after. So I guess that's why I've been called as a ZL. It made me feel a little bit better but I am still not sure about this next transfer... we'll see.
I love you all very much thanks for everything.
I miss you.
Moroni 8:3
Your son and brother,
-Elder Cameron Landon
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Well, things have been going pretty well lately. There is one bonus to be living with the missionaries who are now serving in a previous ward that I did because I am able to easily find out the progress of those people that I was close to. I don't know if you remember when I asked for you to send me the Work and the Glory dvds for Sister Hunt, but anyways.. while I was there we started to teach her granddaughter. But it was always so hard to get a hold of the family. But she was finally baptized this past Saturday. It was cool to be able to see her go through with that. Elder Franklin, Sister Wilkerson, and myself sang a three part harmony of I Need Thee Every Hour for the baptism. It went pretty well. Elder Franklin is a pretty good singer. I enjoyed doing that... I was nervous because I haven't done anything like that in a while, but I survived.
I also have a question.. I have ripped a hole in the slacks that I bought from a thrift store and there aren't many close here and they take way to much time getting to them on P-days. So I was wondering if you could, when you get the chance, maybe let out those slacks that I got from Missionary Mall in the waist a little bit and send those to me? Would you do that, for me? For your loving son, who loves you so very much? (Man, I miss doing that.) I really would appreciate it a lot though. Thank You!
So things have been going very well.. I really think that the ward is warming up to the missionaries more here. When I first got here the ward and the missionaries relationship wasn't that great for some reason... I do not know but its getting better which is awesome.
We had four less-actives and one investigator to our Gospel Principles class yesterday which was cool.. it was a great lesson. I thought we did great. The lesson was on Faith. And then we taught in Elders Quorum about Missionary Work.. so we've been doing a lot of teaching. Its good though. I love teaching.
So that's about it.. I can't think of much else to tell you..
OH! besides our investigator has an 8 foot pet boa constrictor. and he let us feed him a rat! it was disgusting but so cool at the same time! I'll show you the video sometime! it was sweet!
I love you and take care! Thanks for everything.
Oh and on Wed. I hit 18 MONTHS! that's so crazy! But that's life I guess..
Your son and brother
-Elder Cameron Landon
Well, things have been going pretty well lately. There is one bonus to be living with the missionaries who are now serving in a previous ward that I did because I am able to easily find out the progress of those people that I was close to. I don't know if you remember when I asked for you to send me the Work and the Glory dvds for Sister Hunt, but anyways.. while I was there we started to teach her granddaughter. But it was always so hard to get a hold of the family. But she was finally baptized this past Saturday. It was cool to be able to see her go through with that. Elder Franklin, Sister Wilkerson, and myself sang a three part harmony of I Need Thee Every Hour for the baptism. It went pretty well. Elder Franklin is a pretty good singer. I enjoyed doing that... I was nervous because I haven't done anything like that in a while, but I survived.
I also have a question.. I have ripped a hole in the slacks that I bought from a thrift store and there aren't many close here and they take way to much time getting to them on P-days. So I was wondering if you could, when you get the chance, maybe let out those slacks that I got from Missionary Mall in the waist a little bit and send those to me? Would you do that, for me? For your loving son, who loves you so very much? (Man, I miss doing that.) I really would appreciate it a lot though. Thank You!
So things have been going very well.. I really think that the ward is warming up to the missionaries more here. When I first got here the ward and the missionaries relationship wasn't that great for some reason... I do not know but its getting better which is awesome.
We had four less-actives and one investigator to our Gospel Principles class yesterday which was cool.. it was a great lesson. I thought we did great. The lesson was on Faith. And then we taught in Elders Quorum about Missionary Work.. so we've been doing a lot of teaching. Its good though. I love teaching.
So that's about it.. I can't think of much else to tell you..
OH! besides our investigator has an 8 foot pet boa constrictor. and he let us feed him a rat! it was disgusting but so cool at the same time! I'll show you the video sometime! it was sweet!
I love you and take care! Thanks for everything.
Oh and on Wed. I hit 18 MONTHS! that's so crazy! But that's life I guess..
Your son and brother
-Elder Cameron Landon
Well, another week has come and gone. And I don't think I have too much new news to tell you..
Besides Transfer calls were last night and I am staying here in Grand Junction 9th ward for at least one more transfer. Elder Sherman is leaving though. Which is sad because although not many other missionaries liked him, and he does have a few personality quirks that are different I really enjoyed serving with him. He really helped me become a better missionary. So he is leaving in the morning. Also Elder Franklin (we all live in the same apartment) is training a new missionary, so we will be getting two new missionaries in our apartment tomorrow.
Also some other exciting news.. We went on exchanges with the 6th ward Elders, (6th ward was my Greenie ward) so I could see a few people that I got to know back in the day. I saw the Whites, we tried to see the Brooks but they weren't home, and we saw the Jarvis', and then I saw the Hills. I saw Trent before at the General Priesthood meeting and at Stake Conference but I didn't see his wife, and apparently he forgot to tell her I was in town. So we stopped by and Trent answered the door.. he told me to walk into the kitchen and surprise Sister Hill. So I did. She was very surprised to see me. She really wanted to give me a hug, but sadly I couldn't.
I wasn't too involved with the teaching of Trent but they kept referring to Elder Englund and I as "their missionaries".
Apparently the Stake here asked Trent to write his conversion story down for their quarterly Stake Newsletter and he did and it was 10 pages! I asked for a copy by the way.
And it really was inspiration and guidance of the Spirit to go and see them that night. Our appointment after dinner had canceled on us and so we stopped our bikes at the intersection near their house and tried thinking of someone to go and see.. we BOTH at the same time thought of the Hills. So we went to dinner and on our way back stopped and visited them. We asked him if he were interested in learning about the church, and he agreed because, the NIGHT BEFORE he out of the blue said to his wife (who was the YW Pres. at the time) "I think I'd like to start and just learn about your church." Then we show up. (He thought she had called us because he said that)
Another amazing part of the story is that they had been trying for a couple of years to get pregnant and couldn't. They seriously considered going to Denver to have this 20,000 dollar fertilizing operation down, which would only allow a six percent chance. But they said not three days after we first showed up she was pregnant.
So they named him Ryder Trent Hill. I teased them saying they should have named him Daniel Landon Hill (Daniel is Elder Englund's first name) They said that they really liked that and are seriously considering it if they have another child. I laughed..
But what I meant to tell you about this whole thing is: Yesterday morning Trent received the Mel. Priesthood and blessed his baby boy. It was awesome to hear. I, sadly, wasn't able to go because our ward was at the same time as theirs in another building.
But another cool thing is.. they might be moving to Ogden. So that's closer for me to go and visit them. I am so excited.
I love you all and I'll talk to you Sunday
Your son,
-Elder Cameron Landon
Well, another week has come and gone. And I don't think I have too much new news to tell you..
Besides Transfer calls were last night and I am staying here in Grand Junction 9th ward for at least one more transfer. Elder Sherman is leaving though. Which is sad because although not many other missionaries liked him, and he does have a few personality quirks that are different I really enjoyed serving with him. He really helped me become a better missionary. So he is leaving in the morning. Also Elder Franklin (we all live in the same apartment) is training a new missionary, so we will be getting two new missionaries in our apartment tomorrow.
Also some other exciting news.. We went on exchanges with the 6th ward Elders, (6th ward was my Greenie ward) so I could see a few people that I got to know back in the day. I saw the Whites, we tried to see the Brooks but they weren't home, and we saw the Jarvis', and then I saw the Hills. I saw Trent before at the General Priesthood meeting and at Stake Conference but I didn't see his wife, and apparently he forgot to tell her I was in town. So we stopped by and Trent answered the door.. he told me to walk into the kitchen and surprise Sister Hill. So I did. She was very surprised to see me. She really wanted to give me a hug, but sadly I couldn't.
I wasn't too involved with the teaching of Trent but they kept referring to Elder Englund and I as "their missionaries".
Apparently the Stake here asked Trent to write his conversion story down for their quarterly Stake Newsletter and he did and it was 10 pages! I asked for a copy by the way.
And it really was inspiration and guidance of the Spirit to go and see them that night. Our appointment after dinner had canceled on us and so we stopped our bikes at the intersection near their house and tried thinking of someone to go and see.. we BOTH at the same time thought of the Hills. So we went to dinner and on our way back stopped and visited them. We asked him if he were interested in learning about the church, and he agreed because, the NIGHT BEFORE he out of the blue said to his wife (who was the YW Pres. at the time) "I think I'd like to start and just learn about your church." Then we show up. (He thought she had called us because he said that)
Another amazing part of the story is that they had been trying for a couple of years to get pregnant and couldn't. They seriously considered going to Denver to have this 20,000 dollar fertilizing operation down, which would only allow a six percent chance. But they said not three days after we first showed up she was pregnant.
So they named him Ryder Trent Hill. I teased them saying they should have named him Daniel Landon Hill (Daniel is Elder Englund's first name) They said that they really liked that and are seriously considering it if they have another child. I laughed..
But what I meant to tell you about this whole thing is: Yesterday morning Trent received the Mel. Priesthood and blessed his baby boy. It was awesome to hear. I, sadly, wasn't able to go because our ward was at the same time as theirs in another building.
But another cool thing is.. they might be moving to Ogden. So that's closer for me to go and visit them. I am so excited.
I love you all and I'll talk to you Sunday
Your son,
-Elder Cameron Landon
A little late, sorry.
Well.. that was a great phone call. I was very excited to hear all of your voices. I am glad things are going well despite the fact that.. not much is going over there... but hey at least what little is going on is good.
So while Elder Akaka was talking to his family I fell asleep in Bro. Smiths recliner.. I was apparently asleep for about an hour and a half.. But it felt awesome.. It was nice to finally get some needed rest.
So last night was a good night as well.. after we got back to our area from calling we realized that we were very close to running out of gas.. so we parked the car.. just in time too.. and started walking the rest of the evening.. it was a warm night though..
Today we woke up to rain and clouds.. but that's okay with me because I love this weather. Its nice and cool.
Well I'm sorry I don't have too much else to say.
Thanks for everything you all are always in my prayers and I love you all very much.
I love you.
Your son and brother,
--Elder Cameron Landon
Well.. that was a great phone call. I was very excited to hear all of your voices. I am glad things are going well despite the fact that.. not much is going over there... but hey at least what little is going on is good.
So while Elder Akaka was talking to his family I fell asleep in Bro. Smiths recliner.. I was apparently asleep for about an hour and a half.. But it felt awesome.. It was nice to finally get some needed rest.
So last night was a good night as well.. after we got back to our area from calling we realized that we were very close to running out of gas.. so we parked the car.. just in time too.. and started walking the rest of the evening.. it was a warm night though..
Today we woke up to rain and clouds.. but that's okay with me because I love this weather. Its nice and cool.
Well I'm sorry I don't have too much else to say.
Thanks for everything you all are always in my prayers and I love you all very much.
I love you.
Your son and brother,
--Elder Cameron Landon
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Happy Easter, Family
The past week was amazing! It really made me feel like I am doing some kind of good.
When everyone talks to us and tells us that we have no idea the good work that we are doing, but I suppose us still being the natural beings that we are, are looking for the immediate gratification that we human beings strive for. But this past week has really helped me see a very small portion of the results of what I've been doing.
Part of that happened a week ago, yesterday at Stake Conference. I don't know if I told you this yet but I'll tell you again. There were two people that were brought before the congregation for sustaining to receive the Melchizedek Priesthood. One was a young man in the Grand Junction 6th Ward, and the other was Trent Hill. The man that Elder Englund and I started teaching. It was amazing to see that, and to be able to sustain him myself. It was great.
And then when I went up to Craig and Baggs this past weekend the missionaries there went with me to see some people.. that was great. But we went and saw Theresa Weeks...
As a missionary its great to get baptisms but its kind of "iffy" when you think that this person might not stay active.. so that's sad. And to be completely honest, I thought that with Theresa.. she had a really hard time trying to quit smoking, and her husband wasn't too supportive. But it turns out she's still going to church and is working in the nursery, and is talking with the Bishop about getting her Patriarchal Blessing. It was great to see her and to let her know that I am still praying for her.
And the "icing on the cake" was when I surprised the Clarks walking into the Branch Building to surprise them. I heard them say when I walked in "There he is!" It was amazing.
It really made me feel like what I am doing is worth it, and that I am accomplishing something.
A lot of people in Baggs and in Craig that I saw kept asking when I was going to move up there.. I told them I wasn't exactly sure...
I was going to email you some pictures at the baptism but I left my camera in the car up there. But I already talked to them and they are coming down on Tuesday and the McGruders will bring it to me.
It was an awesome weekend.
This past week we were able to set two more of our investigators with a baptismal date. Craig Carton, and Brian Doyle. So that's exciting and just added to the week. We're looking forward to helping them get baptized on May 21st.
So next by Next Monday we'll find out about transfers again.. we'll find out Sunday night for sure.
So that'll determine whether or not I'll know an exact time on when I call you on Mother's Day.. But I'll try and let you know as soon as possible.
I don't know much else that's been going to besides I've had the reason why I am out here reaffirmed to me. Its been the best thing I've ever done.
I love you all and miss you. Please take care, stay strong and I'll talk to you sooner than you think! Moroni 8:3
Your son and brother,
-Elder Cameron Landon
The past week was amazing! It really made me feel like I am doing some kind of good.
When everyone talks to us and tells us that we have no idea the good work that we are doing, but I suppose us still being the natural beings that we are, are looking for the immediate gratification that we human beings strive for. But this past week has really helped me see a very small portion of the results of what I've been doing.
Part of that happened a week ago, yesterday at Stake Conference. I don't know if I told you this yet but I'll tell you again. There were two people that were brought before the congregation for sustaining to receive the Melchizedek Priesthood. One was a young man in the Grand Junction 6th Ward, and the other was Trent Hill. The man that Elder Englund and I started teaching. It was amazing to see that, and to be able to sustain him myself. It was great.
And then when I went up to Craig and Baggs this past weekend the missionaries there went with me to see some people.. that was great. But we went and saw Theresa Weeks...
As a missionary its great to get baptisms but its kind of "iffy" when you think that this person might not stay active.. so that's sad. And to be completely honest, I thought that with Theresa.. she had a really hard time trying to quit smoking, and her husband wasn't too supportive. But it turns out she's still going to church and is working in the nursery, and is talking with the Bishop about getting her Patriarchal Blessing. It was great to see her and to let her know that I am still praying for her.
And the "icing on the cake" was when I surprised the Clarks walking into the Branch Building to surprise them. I heard them say when I walked in "There he is!" It was amazing.
It really made me feel like what I am doing is worth it, and that I am accomplishing something.
A lot of people in Baggs and in Craig that I saw kept asking when I was going to move up there.. I told them I wasn't exactly sure...
I was going to email you some pictures at the baptism but I left my camera in the car up there. But I already talked to them and they are coming down on Tuesday and the McGruders will bring it to me.
It was an awesome weekend.
This past week we were able to set two more of our investigators with a baptismal date. Craig Carton, and Brian Doyle. So that's exciting and just added to the week. We're looking forward to helping them get baptized on May 21st.
So next by Next Monday we'll find out about transfers again.. we'll find out Sunday night for sure.
So that'll determine whether or not I'll know an exact time on when I call you on Mother's Day.. But I'll try and let you know as soon as possible.
I don't know much else that's been going to besides I've had the reason why I am out here reaffirmed to me. Its been the best thing I've ever done.
I love you all and miss you. Please take care, stay strong and I'll talk to you sooner than you think! Moroni 8:3
Your son and brother,
-Elder Cameron Landon
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